How can I forget the so-called “Million Muslim March” on - TopicsExpress


How can I forget the so-called “Million Muslim March” on Washington on the 12th Anniversary of the Muslim-orchestrated attack on America. This ‘protest’ is “to demand an end to discrimination against Muslims in America.” Say what? I have heard only ONE Muslim (a female) speak up over the past twelve years condemning the radical element in their so-called ‘religion of peace.’ Not a very impressive American Muslim track record of standing with your fellow Americans. I know that there is ‘power in numbers,’ and there is a move under way by bikers (the Harley crowd and other two-wheeled patriots) to simply flex their patriotic muscles. The goal is to have TWO million bikers in Washington on September 11th just to finally draw a line in the sand – since our lame leadership will not. If you are a biker and want to know more, visit this website. The Mosque at Ground Zero … the Million Muslim March on September 11th…the bending of the rules for the Ft. Hood military murderer…the lack of media coverage or outrage at the torching of fifty or more Christian churches in Egypt. I am fed up to ‘here.’ Had it been even five mosques torched in Egypt, the United Nations and our “administration” would have been outraged and might have even sent in troops, tanks, arms, ammo, or whatever else was needed. But, fifty churches? Apparently no big deal. After twelve years of this politically correct crap, I just have to ask why there have been no ‘moderate’ Muslim-Americans joining the outcry of the rest of Americans in questioning their ‘Religion of Peace,’ and why a ‘Million Muslim March’ is necessary in the first place. Muslims are marching because they feel discriminated against since 9-11-2001 when the Twin Towers were destroyed by Muslims–the attack on the Pentagon was orchestrated by Muslims–and the lives that were lost by downing the plane in a Pennsylvania field averted a Muslim-led attack on a Washington target (either the White House or Capitol). You are marching on Washington because YOU feel discrimination? Excuse me, CAIR (“Council on American-Islamic Relations”), but I refuse to bow to your political games. You rely on twisting our laws to your advantage and on the ignorance of Americans who either have no clue or simply just want to ‘get along’ – and everything will be alright. Well, with you folks, we will NEVER ‘just get along’ because ‘getting along’ has never been your goal.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 22:20:22 +0000

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