How can a single parent deal with these challenges? To reduce - TopicsExpress


How can a single parent deal with these challenges? To reduce stress in your single-parent family: Show your love. Remember to praise your child. Give him or her your unconditional love and support. Create a routine. Structure — such as regularly scheduled meals and bedtimes — helps your child know what to expect. Prioritize family time. Set aside time each day to play, read or simply sit with your child. Find quality child care. Although an older sibling can sometimes care for a younger sibling, dont rely on an older child as your only baby sitter. Be careful about asking a new friend or partner to watch your child. If you need regular child care, look for a qualified caregiver who can provide stimulation in a safe environment. Set reasonable limits. Explain house rules and expectations to your child — such as speaking respectfully and picking up after yourself — and be careful to enforce them. Work with the other caregivers in your childs life to ensure youre providing consistent discipline. Consider re-evaluating certain limits, such as your childs computer time or curfew, when he or she demonstrates the ability to accept more responsibility. Dont feel guilty. Dont blame yourself or spoil your child to try to make up for being a single parent. Take care of yourself. Include physical activity in your daily routine, eat a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep. Arrange time to do activities you enjoy alone or with close friends. Lean on others. Just because youre a single parent doesnt mean you have to do everything yourself. Work out a carpool schedule with other parents. Join a support group for single parents or seek social services. Call on trusted loved ones, friends and neighbors for help. Faith communities can be helpful resources, too. Stay positive. Your mood and attitude can affect your child. Its OK to be honest with your child if youre having a difficult time, but remind him or her that things will get better. Try to keep your sense of humor when dealing with everyday challenges.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 00:51:34 +0000

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