How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living - TopicsExpress


How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word... I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:9, 11 I ran in to get a couple of last minute things. It was two days before Christmas and JC Penneys was packed. That was when I literally bumped into a friend of mine. After a brief exchange of pleasantries I asked him if his wife was with him. He said, Watch this. He started whistling a semi-melodius whistle and sure enough, zigzagging through the crowd was his wife. They told me that when their two boys were young they taught them to respond to this whistle especially in a crowd so they would know where mom and dad were. Their boys could distinguish the whistle from all the noises around them and be safe with mom and dad. Gods voice cuts through and guides us through all the clutter and the noise and the temptations of life. The only way to avoid the moral pitfalls and the sinful traps the Enemy has set out to ensnare us is to walk closely with God, His voice guiding us every step of the way. Gods voice is not something we imagine or dream about or a vision or experience we had. Gods voice is His Word, the Bible. To know the Word and to obey it is to know God and to walk intimately with Him. We train ourselves to hear Gods voice by internalizing Gods Word. I have hidden your word in my heart. This is more than a casual verse here and a verse there but delighting in spending time on a regular basis reading and listening and meditating and studying and memorizing and obeying Gods Word. Where time with God in His Word and in prayer becomes a delightful walk or like going on an exciting date. And when our hearts delight in God we will not delight in sin but abhor it. A life of moral purity and Gods Word are inseparable. The unfolding of your words gives light... Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me (119:130, 133).
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:57:23 +0000

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