How can men set aside the true Sabbath, when they know that God - TopicsExpress


How can men set aside the true Sabbath, when they know that God came to our world and from Sinai’s mount in awful grandeur proclaimed His law to be observed in commemoration of the day He had ordained as a day of rest—a day ever to be kept as a memorial of God as the Creator of the heavens and of the earth? He made the world in six days, and rested on the seventh day, and was refreshed. He sanctified the seventh day because that in it He had rested. He instituted the Sabbath as a memorial pointing to the fact that He was the Creator of the world, the Monarch of the universe. The Lord has given to men the day that He has chosen to be observed by all the world and regarded as a sacred rest day. In the twentieth of Exodus we find the commandments that God has given as Ruler of the world. All who set one of these aside, and present in its place the observance of a day that bears no sanctity, will be dealt with by Jehovah as usurping an authority that infringes upon His divine prerogatives. The Sunday sabbath, a child of the papacy, is set forth to be observed as the Lord’s Sabbath; and to obey this human law would compel men to transgress the laws of Jehovah. Human enactments that conflict with the laws of God bear not the stamp of divine approval. 21MR pg.88
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 16:37:10 +0000

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