How can one know the fact that he has realised - TopicsExpress


How can one know the fact that he has realised Nibbana? Realising Nibbana is no miracle. It is just reaching a higher developed stage in the mind. He who achieved Nibbana knows that he has achieved it. Can one feel one’s teeth by one’s tongue? If a tooth has fallen, can one feel that by one’s tongue? Likewise the realised one knows the difference before and after the realisation by the understanding, insight, spiritual freedom (freedom from klesha) and through the sudden expansion of the intelligence he is experiencing. The achieving of ‘Magga pala’ is a sudden wordless understanding. This kind of intuition has a certainty about it because it’s not the product of some thought or image but rather a sudden clear perception of how things really are. The arriving of ‘Magga pala’ or the stages of realisation comes in flitting moments, and those moments are sorts of sudden paradigm shifts in spiritual development. But one should practise the Dhamma path continuously for these paradigm shifts to occur. According to Lord Buddha, it is similar to a hen laying eggs and incubating those. As at the end of the incubation period, the eggs will hatch, the one who continues the meditation continuously will have his ‘Magga pala’ as the result. In practising the Dhamma path, meditation is an important element. Through meditation, one can develop insight by contemplating in the flow of impermanence, with awareness, within ourselves so that we begin to let go, without grasping so desperately at the Mind-Body phenomena. There are no circumstances at all which we should consider unworthy of awareness. The sudden deep intuition of truth can happen in an unexpected moment when all factors of enlightenment ripen and come together in the right balance. There is no knowing when the clouds of ignorance will be dispelled. It is said that in the eve of the First Buddhist convention, to compile the Dhamma, most Ven. Ananda thero ascended from Sotapannahood to Arhathood, in the process of lying down to sleep, after his meditation in the sitting posture was over. So in every single moment, one should be mindful, concentrating in his meditative idea. Meditation deepens through the continuity of awareness. There are only two mistakes one can make along the path to truth; not going all the way and not starting. ‘Vaya methewa puruwo-Yawa aththassa nippada.” Not once or twice, strive diligently till you gain the realisation, and don’t give up. -Lord Buddha
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:40:20 +0000

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