How can we explain the sudden reactivation pyramids ? Sunday, - TopicsExpress


How can we explain the sudden reactivation pyramids ? Sunday, January 26, 2014 in Egypt , Egyptian pyramids , light , light output , news , curiosities , ancient pyramids , ancient buildings The pyramid is one of the most mysterious structures on the planet . Perhaps no one can deny that this magnificent creation of more significance than an ordinary tomb . Now, a new sensation emerged : the scholars perceive bright light beams , which are released from the top of the pyramid in the direction of the space . Even so it is everywhere. How can we explain this sudden activity ? The answer to this question is not so simple , because we still know very little about the real nature of pyramids . Many scientists agree that these ancient structures serve as a transmitter of information . Lately though this assumption seems to be reinforced is visible ... We might think that since we have in common between Mexicos Yucatan Peninsula, Kukulkan Pyramid , Chinese Xian Valley Norte Chico pyramids and pyramids in the Andes ? These ancient temples, which are roughly the Egyptian pyramids of Giza were built in a time of unprecedented activity started to show recently. Many of us have become eyewitnesses to the pyramids when they sent a strong shaft of light into the sky. Photo and video recordings were also made about the unusual phenomenon ( it is worth noting that the delivered scientists are not edited and there is no doubt regarding the authenticity ) . Anton Jermolenko astrophysicist believes that a thorough analysis should be subjected to todays events : The world s scientific community should pay more attention to recent cases of pyramids . The fact that began to be activated after a thousand years of sleep , in itself, an extraordinary phenomenon. I believe that we should not ignore the obvious facts. We need to find out why they are still present . After all, is not a unique case , but rather a mass phenomenon , from Asia to South America. The most important thing that the scientists and ordinary people concerned about : what might have caused this glow and destination of those ? It is evident that you can not call it banal accident happened, so time and money is needed to study this phenomenon . And who knows how many steps remain the great mystery of the pyramids megfejtésétől . ( Voice of Russia ) Send by email Blog This! Share on Twitter Share on Facebook You might also like : Giant pyramids and sphinxes were found in Bermuda ... Advent: The Angel of the fourth Sunday Activation Portal 2013.aug.25. peace of meditation ... The Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy message ... 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Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:53:33 +0000

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