How can you evaluate your church? If you need to find a new - TopicsExpress


How can you evaluate your church? If you need to find a new church, how can you determine which one is the right choice? There are many factors that go into selecting a new church or deciding whether to stay where you are. Some of these are merely personal preferences, such as the style of music or the appearance of the church building. But listed below are seven words that should describe every healthy church. 1. Bible-centered: A healthy church accepts Scripture as inerrant. In other words, the pastors and the congregation believe that the Bible describes events that really happened, and that it is filled with complete truth that applies to real life. You need to study the Scripture carefully for yourself because sometimes it can be difficult to discern when a teacher doesn’t believe what the Bible teaches. This is also one of many reasons to bring your own copy of the Bible to church. 2. Spiritual: The leaders should emphasize dependence on the Holy Spirit for both themselves and the congregation. The church should prioritize knowing God, seeking to trust and obey Him individually and as a body of believers. As the members grow in their ability to hear the voice of God, the body as a whole becomes stronger. Look for a church that emphasizes a personal relationship with God, which should include listening to and obeying Him. 3. Evangelistic: Every church should seek to fulfill the Great Commission. The Sunday message and the outreach efforts of the church should seek to touch the world with a clear, effective message of salvation through Jesus Christ. The church should also provide training so that new believers can grow in the faith and learn to share the gospel with others. 4. Influential: The message and ministry of the church should have an effect on the society around it. Why do I say this? Jesus told the disciples that they were salt and light (Matt. 5:13-16). By that, He meant that His followers should have an influence on the world around them. Every church should have an impact on the city in which it is placed, influencing those outside its walls. The goal should be to persuade people to recognize the lordship of Jesus Christ and abide by biblical principles. It usually takes some time to determine if a church is influential, but eventually you should be able to see if impacting the culture is a priority. 5. Financially sound: The church should operate by biblical principles concerning money. Sometimes churches get into debt or misuse money. Look for a congregation that seeks to operate within its means, and one that is open about the church’s budget. When a congregation applies the principles of sound financial dealing, unnecessary monetary concerns will not hinder the work of the Lord through it. 6. Friendly: The church members should warmly welcome new people. It should be easy to find ways to grow in relationship with other members. There should be opportunities to connect in smaller settings, such as Sunday school, in-home fellowship groups, or through the church’s various ministries. Unless the congregation is willing to reach out to visitors and new members, it cannot fulfill its role in the Great Commission. 7. Growing: A healthy church will grow. In light of Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations, church attendance should expand. Does that mean that if a church remains small, that it cannot be a healthy church? No, but that church should still be growing in some way. For instance, the congregants could be growing in their ability to overcome sin, to live effective lives for Christ, or to reach out. Look for a body that is actively seeking to share their faith. Every church is to be a dynamic, life-changing force in the community where God has placed it. We gather as God’s people to worship Him. We should leave church instructed, convicted, challenged, and motivated. Does that describe your experience? If it does, you have found a strong church.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 15:07:25 +0000

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