How can you not hang your heads in shame Black America at what our - TopicsExpress


How can you not hang your heads in shame Black America at what our racial peers are doing? Police are looking for the Black assailant who posed as a trash inspector, then robbed an 83-year-old man at knifepoint, handcuffing the victim to a railing at a West Oak Lane bar. Philadelphia police said the attack happened after the Black suspect, carrying a clipboard and bag, knocked on the door at Brownies Par Four Lounge at about 1:20 p.m. Monday. The Black man posed as a trash inspector and spent several minutes inside the lounge, located at 7137 Ogontz Ave., police said. The Black man then punched the 83-year-old man in the face, knocking the victim to the ground, and brandished a knife. He then demanded money, a cell phone and a Masonic ring from the elderly man, police said. The Black assailant then handcuffed the victim to a railing inside the bar while he unsuccessfully tried to open the cash register. The Black suspect fled when the victim yelled for help, after the assailant took the man outside in order to access the second-floor stairs at the building, police said. The suspect was described as Black, 35 to 40 years old, 6 feet 5 inches tall and having a thin build and a light beard. He was wearing thin-rimmed black glasses, a long, black coat, a dark-colored hat, dark-colored pants and dark-colored shoes at the time of the incident. I do. Yes, my head hangs in shame. What I do is show other Blacks that it is perfectly permissible to not only feel ashamed of our peers behavior...but more importantly that it is okay to do things about it like speak out against it, place peer pressure on our peers to act like humans and not raging animals and vote conservative. Another glaring example of one of Black Americas racial peers holding the brush that paints all of Black America as depraved and violent. Who raised this person to believe that actions like this are acceptable in any culture or race? Its time for Black America to stand up and denounce the actions of their racial peers. Where is the shock and outcry from our racial peers of these abusers? Where is the verbalized and written disdain for their actions from our Black racial peers? Nothing but silence. Are the rest of the OTHER FOUR RACES to assume that we Blacks condone this activity simply because the perpetrators are BLACK? Our Black race cant heal until we first admit that the problem exists. The question is not whether people of other races commit such acts...but WHY do people of OUR Black race commit such acts FAR MORE FREQUENTLY than people of other races? Our Black community has a social responsibility regarding our racial peers just as we expect Whites to exert peer pressure on other Whites regarding racism and bias and the OTHER FOUR RACES that our Black community shares this nation with has the same social expectations that our Black community exert the same social pressure on the disproportionate number of criminal and depraved Black individuals in our race. Lets see whos going to be the first to moronically try to divert our attention with Moral Equivalency rather than act appropriately and show their disgust and disdain for our racial peers actions as any reasonable person would. I cant hear you Black America! Why are you so quiet Black America? Where are YOUR answers to this problem? [Ever notice how my Black brothers and sisters DO NOT ever have an answer?]
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:03:31 +0000

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