How can you who are so holy suffer? All your past except its - TopicsExpress


How can you who are so holy suffer? All your past except its beauty is gone and nothing is left but a blessing I have saved all your kindnesses and every loving thought you ever had. I have purified them of the errors that hid their light and kept them in their own perfect radiance ~ A Course In Miracles So few see past relationships for what they truly are and build up defenses which only attract more of the same over and over again with monotonous regularity. Many look at what they gave in past relationships once the form changed or the relationship seemed to end all that you gave to that relationship. This is yet another lie of the ego with one of its ways to steal all the joy you could be experiencing. The Truth is that ALL that you gave in any relationship was given to yourself and you take every bit of it wherever you go for all eternity. No kind, loving expression was ever wasted no matter what the outcome. However, you do have free will and are perfectly able to feel deprived and improvised if you see it that way. You may feel that you wasted years of your life or gave gifts where they were not appreciated or received well. This is your ego story and has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the Truth. In Truth... The more you give the more you accrue. Suppose your parents opened up a bank account for you when you were born and made weekly deposits for you for years till now but you didnt know about it. You could think of yourself as impoverished or lacking. You can tell the story of your poverty as fact and believe every word of it and therefore be totally at the effect of that story. You could die a millionaire in a shack with dirt floors never knowing what was available to you all along. In actuality, you have an Emotional Bank Account in which you have been making deposits of love, kindness, tenderness, affection, approval, appreciation, and all kinds of emotional currency. Every smile you ever gave to another was a deposit into the account. with the God/Christ Consciousness purified from all the false attachments and any fear that cling to them. You never lose by giving love for every bit of it stays with you for time and all eternity. No one has ever made a fool of you; no one has ever taken advantage of you because what is given can never be lost.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 05:17:07 +0000

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