How come a CONservative Republican targeted tea bagger - TopicsExpress


How come a CONservative Republican targeted tea bagger groups? Did the IRS deliberately target nonprofits for political reasons? Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, thinks otherwise, and is calling on Darrell Issa, the committee chairman, to release the full testimony in question—saying the excerpts Issa had released were misleading and “hurt the credibility” of the probe. Cummings told The Daily Beast that the testimony, yet to be publicly released, shows that the decision by the IRS to flag for extra scrutiny Tea Party groups seeking nonprofit status was in fact the brainchild of a Cincinnati-based screening manager, rather than the political move coming from Washington that Issa and other conservatives have called it. What’s more, said the Maryland Democrat, that manager is a self-described “conservative Republican” who volunteered that information to a committee investigator. “They didn’t ask him. He said he was.”
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 00:02:11 +0000

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