How could any reasonable person believe Darlie Routier when she - TopicsExpress


How could any reasonable person believe Darlie Routier when she testified at trial to not know if she slept through the stabbings of her sons and the slashing of herself? Q. Okay. So its clear, your husband Darin, didnt commit this offense, did he? A. No, he didnt. Q. I mean, you know that for a fact, dont you? A. Yes, sir. Q. This jury can remove that issue from their minds whatsoever, that Darin Routier did not kill your sons? A. Yes, sir. Q. The man you saw walking away was not your husband? A. Yes, sir. Q. You saw that man go out into the garage; is that right? A. Out through the utility room into the garage. Q. And after that, you are wide awake down in the kitchen, and then in the Roman room and in the hallway. A. Well, not wide awake at first, but yes, I did become wide awake. Q. Well, there is no way that if that had been Darin, that he could have snuck in the house and gotten back upstairs and then come back down? A. No, I dont think so. Q. So we can put that issue aside. The murderer of your children is not your husband? A. Yes, sir. Q. Okay. So what it comes down to is, the murderer is either this man who crept into your house and murdered your children and attacked you, or you are the murderer? A. Sir -- Q. That is got to be one of two ways, doesnt it? A. Sir, I did not murder my children. Q. Its got to be one of two ways? A. I did not murder my children, sir. Q. So it was this man who crept into your house? A. Yes, sir, it was. Q. Now, apparently this man who crept into your house in the early morning hours of the 6th was able to murder your children, wound you, and leave the one witness that could put him on death row? A. I think that he thought I was dead. Q. Okay. He left the one witness who could cause his conviction and put him on death row alive? A. Again, I think he thought I was dead. Q. Well, were you not moving or something? A. I dont remember that much, sir. Q. Then, how would you know he would think that you were dead? A. Because he was walking away from me. Q. And you were just laying there? A. Yes. Q. I mean, he had to get close enough for you to be able to identify him, wouldnt he, Mrs. Routier? A. I would think so. Q. Okay. Well, I mean you have got your throat cut, he has to do that, he has to get right up on you, doesnt he? A. Yes, sir. Q. Face to face? A. Yes, sir. Q. Okay. And, has to be in that room while your children are killed? A. Yes, sir. Q. Let me ask you this, do you think that you slept while that man stabbed your boys? A. I have no idea. Q. Well, do you think you could have slept through that? A. I dont know how to answer that, because I dont know. Q. Well, you are a light sleeper, arent you? A. I wouldnt necessarily call it a light sleeper. Q. Well, dont you wake up whenever the baby moves in his crib? A. Yes, sir, but that is not exactly a real light noise. Q. So, when your baby rolls over, you wake up? A. His crib is on a hardwood floor and it has rollers on it, and when he wiggles and moves, it shakes the whole crib, and it makes, I mean, its a pretty loud noise. Q. That is why you were sleeping downstairs, right? A. Its one of the reasons, yes. Q. I mean, that is what you put in your voluntary statement, did you not? A. Yes, sir. Q. I mean, no one forced you to write that down, did they? A. No, sir. Q. I mean, this is in your handwriting? A. Yes, sir. Q. Okay. And dont you say, I had been sleeping on the couch the past week or so off and on because the baby slept in our room, in the crib, and when he moved he woke me up? A. Yes, sir. Q. Okay. So you are a light sleeper, arent you? A. To some degree. Q. And, how close would you say Damon was to you when you went to sleep? A. How close was Damon? Q. Yes, how close was he to you? A. He was very close. Q. I mean within one foot, wasnt he? A. Pretty much so, yes. Q. Easily one foot, lying there right beside you? A. Yes, on the floor. Q. Do you think that you could have slept through a man stabbing him four times in the back? A. Again, I have no idea. Q. Well, you know yourself pretty good, do you think you could have slept through that? A. Sir, I cannot answer that. I cannot remember. Q. Do you think you could have slept when this man stabbed your seven year old, Devon? A. I cant answer that question. Q. He was only about four or five feet away from you, wasnt he? A. Yes, he was. Q. Well, you are a mother, arent you? A. Yes, sir, I am. Q. And dont mothers -- arent they able to tell when their children are in trouble? A. I would like to think so. Q. Arent they known for being able to hear those noises? A. From an instinct. Q. Have that instinct? A. Yes, sir. Q. So, dont you think that you would have woken up if a man started stabbing you? A. I have no idea of what happened that night. Q. Well, certainly you would have woken up when he started beating you, wouldnt you? A. I have assumed that that is what happened, yes, sir. Q. I mean, you would have to be awake to take a beating like that? A. I would assume so, yes, sir. Q. And, its your arms that were beaten, werent they? A. As far as I know, yes, sir. Q. Okay. I mean, you werent hit in the face, thats for sure, were you? A. Directly in the face? Q. Yes, we cant see any bruises on your face, can we? A. No, sir. Q. Okay. And you werent stabbed in your face, were you? A. Not stabbed. There were marks on my face. Q. You werent beaten in the chest, stomach, back or anything like that? A. I have no idea. Q. Well, did you ever see any bruises in your chest, in your back? A. Not bruises, but there was a mark on my breast. Q. But no bruises? A. No bruises. Q. Okay. You didnt complain to the doctors about a big headache, being whacked in the head, or bumps on the head? A. Actually I did complain about feeling pain. I didnt complain specifically in what areas, I was hurting all over from head to toe. Q. Certainly you are not going to wake up -- or your are going to wake up when he cut your throat, arent you? A. I have no idea, I would assume so. Q. You wouldnt sleep through that, would you? A. I dont know what happened. I would assume so, but I cannot remember. Q. Do you really think that you could have slept when the man cut your throat? A. I dont think so. Q. You couldnt have slept when you got stabbed in the arm either, could you? A. I dont think so. Q. Okay. And, if you had awakened, if you had woken up, when your children were attacked, you would have screamed, wouldnt you? A. Unless my mouth was covered. Q. Well, I mean that would -- I guess are there more than one man attacking you? A. I have no idea, sir. Q. I mean, if there was just one guy, he can only do one thing at a time, cant he? A. Well -- Q. You only saw one man, didnt you? A. I only saw one man, yes, sir. Q. Okay. Walking away from you. And if there is just one man attacking your kids, and you saw him, you would jump up and defend your children, wouldnt you? A. I would think so, but again, I cannot remember. Q. You would think you would get up? A. Yes, sir. Q. And defend your children? A. Yes, sir. Q. Dont you know you would do that? A. Yes, sir. Q. I mean, you would defend them with your life, wouldnt you? A. Yes, sir. Q. If you saw a man attacking your children, you would scream your head off, wouldnt you? A. Yes, sir, unless my mouth was covered. Q. You would scream for your husband, wouldnt you? A. Unless my mouth was covered, yes, sir. Q. You didnt have any problems screaming for him when he finally got up and came down there, did you? A. My mouth was not covered. Q. Did you find any tape, or any gauze or anything stuffed in your mouth that showed it to be covered? A. No, just except for that it was torn up inside. Q. Okay. It was all torn up inside. A. Well, it felt raw. Q. Did you talk to the doctors about that? A. I talked to the nurse about that, yes, I did. Q. There is no way you could be prevented from defending your children, and sounding the alarm, if you had seen them being attacked? A. What do you mean -- Im not sure I understand what you mean. Q. Well, if you had woken up, and some man is stabbing your children, you would have tried to stop him, wouldnt you? A. Yes, sir. Q. Okay. But you have no memory of any of that? A. No, sir. Q. You must have been beaten first, wouldnt you say? A. Sir, I have no idea. I have sat for seven months, and tried to think of every possible thing I could think of what this man did to me. Q. Okay. A. I dont remember. Q. You dont know if you were stabbed first, or you were beaten on the arms first? A. I have no idea. I dont remember. Q. And what is the description that you remember, the best description that you have of this man? A. Its not much, he was a taller man, with dark hair. Q. Okay. Lets start with that. How tall was he? A. I cannot give you an exact -- I mean, I can just tell you that he was above -- I would think above six foot. Q. Okay. Above six foot? A. Yes, sir. Q. And I believe you said that he was along Chris Froschs build; is that right? A. Yes, sir. Q. Are you talking about height-wise? A. Built-wise. Q. Okay. And -- A. I mean, I havent seen Chris Frosch in, you know, I have just seen him in dress clothes, but he seems to be about the same build. Q. Okay. So he is the same height and build as this man that was walking away? A. Well, approximately. Q. Okay. So the man is over six foot, you would say? A. Yes, sir. Q. And he was a white male? A. I dont know that for sure. Does the above testimony from Darlie Routiers own lips at her trial, really sound like an innocent mom who was railroaded by overzealous police & prosecutors? Or does it show just how much of a liar she is, how she claims traumatic amnesia when she cant explain away her ridiculous story & just how psychopathic and narcissistic she is for thinking anybody with half a brain would believe her BS?
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 17:35:50 +0000

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