How dangerous is electric & electromagnetic radiation - TopicsExpress


How dangerous is electric & electromagnetic radiation ? Radiation generated by modern & ultra modern equipment Radiation generated by modern & ultra modern equipment. Electric currents emit electric & Electro – magnetic radiation, which may be linked to health problems such as cancer, blood circulation, pregnancy, brain cell etc. Electric & electronic equipment, particularly in kitchen & office ,electric blanket, a power line & a broadcast tower all these emit electric & electromagnetic radiation. These invisible electromagnetic fields ( EMFs) , & electric radiation ( ELF ) generated by low voltage currents running through electric wires, are not powerful and destructive like unclear or X-ray radiation. Radio therapy studies have suggested that people exposed to ( EMFs ) run a higher risk of certain health problems, including miscarriages learning disabilities and cancer. No clear cause-&-effect relationship has been established between EMFs & illnesses, but the mounting evidence makes EMFs appear extremely suspicious. And because EMFs are generated by many sources-including cell phone, microwave ovens, television, radio, radar System and ironically, nuclear treatment, radio therapy etc. Studies over the last 15 years have hinted at a connection between EMFs & ELFs & health problems. EMFs & ELFs have been implicated in behavioral changes, birth defects, memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease. In 1976, two doctors at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Syracuse, N.Y., showed that the offspring of mice exposed to extremely low frequency EMFs from power lines were born stunted. Other studies have focused specifically on the suspected connection between EMF exposure & cancer. In 1979 two University of Colorado researchers, pored through childhood mortality records in the Denver area and correlated long term exposure to weak EMFs with a higher incidence of cancer. Seven years later, DR. Lennart Tomenius, a Swedish researcher, found the same relationship between EMF exposure & cancer rates among children in Stockholm. And in 1982 Samuel Milham, an occupational health physician in the Washington state Dept. of Social & Health Services, noted that he found more leukemia-related deaths in men whose work brought them in contact with electrical and magnetic fields, such as employees of utility companies. Furthermore, EMFs have been implicated in pregnancy problems in 1986, Wertheimer reported that woman who used heated waterbeds or electric blankets, both of which emit EMFs had longer pregnancies and a higher miscarriage rate, and in 1987, Kurt Slazinger, a psychology professor at the Brooklyn polytechnic institute N.Y. found that rats exposed to EMFs for 30 days had more problems than unexposed rats in learning to press a bar on commend. Their offspring, exposed in the womb and for nine days after birth developed permanent learning disabilities. In their attempts to establish a cause-and-effect connection between EMF exposure and health problem, scientists have been trying to uncover just what effect EMFs have on the body. One theory says that EMFs of certain frequencies disrupt the normal role of calcium in the brain. Another theory says that EMFs affect how cells grow and reproduce. A third belief holds that EMFs make cells manufacture proteins they normally would not reproduce. Indeed studies on diseases occasionally have the difficulty of trying to prove a casual link when researchers must rely on past records and events instead of controlled experiments. However, this lack of proof has not stopped lawyers from introducing available studies as evidence in EMF related lawsuits. The judgements in several such suits were based on research showing a possible connection and not a definite link. In late 1985, a Texas jury ordered the Houston Lighting and Power company to pay a local school district $25 million punitive damages after the utility built a transmission line through school property without the district’s permission. In Florida, juries have awarded more than $1 million to owners of land next to high voltage lines. Another suit illustrates the potential effects of transmissions lines and the EMFs they create on home owners trying to sell their homes. About 60 landowners in N.Y. state field a 60 million suit against the New York power line from Canada into the state could produce a ‘cancer-phobia corridor’ where property values would tumble. Remedy & safety precaution Vastu suggest This fear of diminished property values brings up the question of what the general public can do to protect itself from this potential threat EMFs & or ELFs are not like other harmful agents. They have not been proven dangerous, as has the outlawed, cancer – causing food coloring dye etc. EMFs are almost unavoidable. The magnetic fields easily, penetrate brick wall, R.C.C. slab, C.C.floor, stonewall or roof & human bodies and as of now, no protective shield is available with such a pervasive yet mysterious force around us, there’s not much we can do. TO totally eliminate EMFs exposure. There are ways, though of, minimizing our potential risks. Vastu suggest how to reduce the risk of EMF & ELF radiation. a) Unplug after hot or & do not use electric blankets. b) Don’t sit less than six feet from television. c) Don’t allow children to peer through the doors of microwave ovens when they are on. d) Pregnant women cut down on if not avoid using video- display terminals ( VDTs ). e) Avoid living in areas where EMF exposure could be high. f) People at greatest risk are utility workers & those near transmission lines ( study has established a ‘safe minimum distance’ from power lines depend on the high voltage the conductor are caring always wear, hard rubber sole shoes without nail. g) Use M.S. conduct pipe 16 gage for building wiring & earth both end properly. h) All your electric, electronic items must be properly earth. i) Switch off you bedroom wiring from the main in the night. j) Keep minimum 2mt. distance from T.V. sets. k) Use ear phone & mike for your cell phone & keep cell phone with your west belt. l) After use immediately switch off from main all your electric and electronic gadgets. m) Use your table lamp made of metal & earth the body properly. Source: kunalvastu/index.html Sponsored By : Huffingtonpost.IND.IN,,
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 04:09:22 +0000

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