How did I end up with yet another cold with the worst of winter - TopicsExpress


How did I end up with yet another cold with the worst of winter just ahead? And how did I manage that having just had a cold that I left behind me less than a month ago? This one comes complete with sore throat and sneezes. No chills or fever - but worrisome because it contradicts my firm belief that you cant catch a cold soon after you have suffered through one. At first I tried to pass it off to an allergy - but I couldnt blame Byron my cat with whom I have lived in sneeze free harmony for a decade. Maybe I could accuse the bunch of carnations I bought - but I have no allergy to flowers. Sam the Lab has been visiting my son for a few days - and if I have an allergy to dogs I will deny it to myself and soldier on with him on our daily walks through Central Park. Some things supersede a sneeze. Cant blame it on my Grand-kids - those world champion amateur cold spreaders - who, unfortunately, I havent seen in a month. Main suspect: There was that young twenty something girl on the gridlock stalled 2nd Avenue bus that was purportedly taking me to my old friends art exhibition on the Lower East Side; a girl who kept coughing into the surrounding air until I finally felt compelled to order her to cover her mouth - righteous Grampa here trying to teach basic city manners to ignorant youth. She was no Mimi or Camille, not a bit of tragic romance in that cough or hers - just a girl who had exchanged manners for a cell phone into which she spoke and then turned with consideration for her cell to cough at me and my fellow passengers. When I scolded her she simply looked at me as another nut case so I finally changed my seat. Or was it my going through a stressful period - something that always accompanies the coming holidays with the crowds, the tip giving, the gift giving? The latter will be rather humble this year - socks and undershirts for sons bought via the internet- modest toys and good books for little girls - enough fire logs for my wife and myself to keep our fireplace blazing through the winter. And a few books for my wife - she loves those published by Persephone - a British publisher who produces splendid editions of novels written by little known but excellent women novelists between the wars. Me? All I want is to get rid of this annoying cold so that I can enjoy the season with Sam the Lab and E,Z, and V, my wonder grandchildren, and finish work on Absent Friends - the last of my memoirs. Yes, I know all about chicken soup. But it mixes badly with cough syrup. With luck and a few humble prayers we shall endure and live to complain of other things on another day...such as all these trade agreements our government is making that have destroyed the jobs of American workers, and the upcoming Republican Senate and Congress which is determined to swap what remains of our democracy for contributions from Wall Street barons, and ignore the problems of the environment, the infrastructure, and the education of our children...see? Dont get me started. Kerchoo!!! Or if you prefer Haachoo!!! Never fear, I covered my mouth.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 12:15:17 +0000

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