How did a man who actually threatened families of people in the - TopicsExpress


How did a man who actually threatened families of people in the armed forces manage to move around without being monitored? How did he slip past into a public place with a gun? Slip past the capabilities of police to follow him physically, his car, on public transport or use police on foot, to monitor his texts, phone, emails and social media? How did he slip the use of security cameras state wide to see what he gets up to, to detect what he is carrying into where, that he is obtaining a gun, to listen into his home as he spoke, to read everything he writes on his computer, even notes he makes in his room, his rubbish disposal, his purchases offline and online? After all he threatened families of soldiers. He was apparently an accessory to murder and made public displays of his opposition and issues against the armed forces. There are reports by a unsw law professor of police using their increased powers after the twin tower bombings to monitor what books students borrow from the library and yet not this man? How did they not see into his home at least with infra red technology they have claimed the use of in other cases to convict people, or even using private security contractors to monitor this man? A student gives evidence of something at a university and persistently said they have been hounded. Even as they spoke this at home today while watching the news, it didnt take long for a police chopper to show up over the house. With so much capability, one cannot help but ask questions over what happened at Martin Place as the lone face of terror and evil as put by channel 7, which turns out to be a common criminal with a criminal past that ought to have been on radar. HE should have been constantly monitored and not people with political views that are simply different, or who give evidence against a university staff. When Julia Gillard was in government, the smh ran an article that said there was a shadow unit paid to monitor the opposition party including their finances, and asked not to keep any records on government computers to avoid what freedom of information requests might reveal. I recall it said certain members of the Greens were on monitor too. People, when they say there was no way of knowing or protecting the public forget that our country has the capability to spy across nations for economic gain. Yet this man was not monitored. His actions now help to show that people of all colours stand against such things. I feel that it has also cast an overkill on the recent budget announcements that show the agendas to generate and deepen inequality remain.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 07:46:36 +0000

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