How did the United States of America, a nation of liberty-loving - TopicsExpress


How did the United States of America, a nation of liberty-loving people who broke from the tyranny of Europe, become once again a controlled society of heavily taxed individuals? From the depths of despair to prosperous freedom and back again to government control and taxes on everything earned and owned has been the course of the United States . This was not a natural course. First, create a condition which enabled them to gain control of our monetary system. (The Federal Reserve-Those who control the wealth control the political parties.) There still remained a possible danger of the American people becoming aware they were being deceived resulting in another possible revolution so they sought to prevent this by changing the thinking and moral fiber of the coming generations. This could be accomplished through the use of the schools and churches, but principally through the schools to indoctrinate the children who are captives under the compulsory attendance laws, part of the scheme. The plotters realized at the turn of this century that the schools could be used to their advantage, to train workers without improving their minds. The rich men who promoted socialism knew that is was a system wherein the government owns or controls everything and they could use their money and power to control those we elect to run the government. This made the school the perfect vehicle for changing the thinking of the nations people by manipulating the minds of the very young who are captives in the schools for five days a week. ***National Education Association controls all public education and exerts considerable control over private education in the United States*** In 1931 the National Education Association set up a special committee to determine what kind of society America wanted and the policies by which this was to be achieved. (Neither the prople nor their elected representatives knew anything about this!) There were six men on this committee, with Fred J . Kelly, United States Office of Education, Washington, D .C ., as chairman. Two other members deserve special attention if we are to know what kind of society this NEA committee decided that America was to have. John Dewey, born in 1859, came from the University of Chicago to Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, in 1904. Dewey was strongly influenced by James Harvey Robinson (born 1863) who taught history at Columbia University from 1895 to 1919. Robinson was a pioneer Fabian Socialist in the United States. He was also the author of textbooks on history and advocated the rewriting of history to emphasize those facts which could be used to promote socialism. John Dewey was a signer of the first Humanist Manifesto (1933) which began with this statement The time has come for widespread recognition of radical changes in religious beliefs...There were fifteen theses of religious Humanism containing such statements as : First, the universe is self-existing and not created, man is a part of nature and he emerged as the result of a continuous process...the time has passed for Theism, Deism...Religious Humanism considers the human personality to be the end of mans life...religion must work for the joy of living. -Erminie King Wright (THE CONQUEST OF DEMOCRACY)
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 05:10:30 +0000

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