How do I Stop the Arrival of Spam on a Computer? You know how - TopicsExpress


How do I Stop the Arrival of Spam on a Computer? You know how it goes - you go to your mailbox and see all those ads and circulars for things you didnt request or want. Well, junk email ( spam) can clog up your email inbox and even install harmful programs and viruses on your computer. Some of your own online practices could be making you an easy target for spammers. Whether youre lax with giving out your email or your email address is posted on the Web, you could be leaving yourself open to a bevy of unwanted ads, links and programs on your computer. 1. Create an email address specifically for registering with websites, purchasing items online or posting in chat rooms or on message boards. That way, when junk mail is sent to your computer you can quickly delete it out of your alternative email address without even opening the messages. 2. Avoid posting your email online if possible. If someone needs to get in touch with you on a message board or chat room, most websites have private messaging available. This protects your personal email address, as spammers often look for posted emails to add to their mailing lists. 3. Change your email settings so you can see the first line of the email before you even open a message. Gmail does it automatically, while you can change your viewing settings in Yahoo mail, Outlook and other programs. The ability to see the first line of an email can alert you to phony emails that seem as though theyre sent from friends, yet only contain links or dangerous attachments. Delete those emails without even opening them. 4. Scroll to the bottom of advertisement emails. At the bottom of the email is usually an opt out link. Sometimes you may not even know how you became registered with a site, but you can enter your email address into the opt out function to stop the emails from cluttering up your inbox. 5. Disguise your email if you must post it online for your website. Instead of using the typical @ sign between your account and your domain, use the HTML code for the same sign, which is @ without the quotation marks. The @ will show the same on your website, but will not allow copying by spambots and overenthusiastic advertisers. You can also avoid spam by placing spaces between the components and using to word forms of the email symbols, of such as johndoe at doemail dot com.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 17:48:33 +0000

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