How do Juice Plus Complete shakes work for weight loss? - TopicsExpress


How do Juice Plus Complete shakes work for weight loss? juice plus prices 1) They become part of your 5 a day Juice Plus Complete is a simple way to get miles more than your recommended 5 a day! There is a reason why we are told to eat this amount per day, but this is just the pure minimum in the UK. In the US they are told 9-13 servings per day. This is hard going but with Juice Plus in your daily routine, you could say this is your health insurance. Don’t see it as a cost towards weight loss, instead look at it more like a solid investment in your long term health. 2) It helps detoxify the body Our bodies use the high quality anti-oxidants from all Juice Plus products to kick start their natural detoxing systems. The detox will flush your body of harmful, weight gaining chemicals that are the sole cause for most yoyo diet experiences. If you don’t detox/cleanse the body, you won’t see long term sustainable results. 3) Naturally improves cravings Juice Plus Complete contains the nutrients of 17 different handfuls of fruits and vegetables so it won’t be long before your body naturally craves more of the same. You are what you eat. Many people struggle to stop craving high sugar, empty calorie foods. The beauty of Juice Plus is the balanced natural fruit sugar content alone should fulfill your sweet tooth temptations over time. 4) Low in calories yet balanced in important ingredients Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but to consume as many as 17 per day like you can with Juice Plus Complete, it would be almost impossible to take on all the unnecessary fibre, carbohydrates and sugars on a daily basis. The shakes contain just 220 calories when mixed with 250ml skimmed milk. However they will help you eat less as the balance of fibre, complex carbs, fats and proteins in the ingredients will delay hunger whilst your body makes use of them all….clever right!? 5) Improves energy levels The problem with standard diets is they often make you starve/fast, have you resisting temptations on a daily basis and can generally make you feel weak & depleted. This effects energy levels, which means less exercise and at a lower intensity. There are 3 things your body needs plenty of to lose weight effectively: 1) Water 2) Anti Oxidants (found in fruits, veg and berries) 3) Exercise Once you get into the daily habit of high quality nutrition running through and cleansing your body, your energy levels will spike massively. The more energy you have, the more you will simply NEED to work out & exercise just to burn some of it off! Don’t worry though, for our 50 day plan we will not be asking you to exercise anymore than you already do. 6) Hassle free / convenient food on the go Healthy eating is important, it’s how we should all eat but it’s hardly convenient on a daily basis when we are all so busy. All Juice Plus products are hassle free, they cost nothing compared to standard Juicing and they always get results when combined with a new healthy eating routine.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:05:36 +0000

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