How do animals protect itselves? There are a lot of precautions - TopicsExpress


How do animals protect itselves? There are a lot of precautions for animals to protect themselves.. Our dear friends,all of these are wonders created by God .Many animals guess the harms waiting them and breed different methods to protect itselves. For example,the nest of the bees are under a special protection. Some bees are responsible for guarding of the pail. They resemble security guards in shopping centers.They do not let any others apart from their friends in their pail.If sentinel bee leave its place,another worker bee comes there right away and take over the guarding of door. These on duty bees protect their pail against dangers,even by putting at risk their life. You know cute beavers,don’t you friends ?May be you do not see real beavers but you probably see their photo. They are subjects of many journals .. They are famous for thier dams builded by them under sea.Beavers make their nests under sea.To be able to enter their netsit is necessary to pass through a tunnel known just by the beavers building them . At the end of the tunnel there is a secret room which beavers live with their family Weaver birds make entrance of their nests in a way that preventing them from thier main enemies namely snakes. Some spiders make various small rooms in their nets but these rooms are not for theirselves.They imprison the animals succeeding to enter their nests Dear friends,we see that how livings behave cleverly and use methods to protect themselves from all these examples . The very intersting thing is that a bird and a bee without a mind know the others livings.Also there is an important point :the livings of which features known are from other. And also they know their enemies very well and take precautions against them.. Now dear friends,let’ think together.Are you able to diagnose the features of any animals that you never see before and know nothing about. For example can you gues what they eat,drink and how they hunt?As if I hear your saying “Nooo..” It is necessary you to know knowledge about the livings to be able guess. Well,how do animals have all these knowledge? And how do they think the ways of hunting and behaviours of their enemies? Do you think it is possible?Of course it is Animals have no mind and ability to search all these things. Well what do you think how these things occur?The answer is very obvious.The One determining all these security systems in a wonderful way is Almighty God. The One employing them is God. Not only the livings we see but also the other livings all around the world show us the endless power of God.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:48:50 +0000

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