How do people react to such Bible-based critique of religion? As - TopicsExpress


How do people react to such Bible-based critique of religion? As concerns these horrible stories, various “explanations” have been suggested: In a majority of the cases, the translations would be wrong. In that case there would be an enormous amount of wrong translations and one would almost have to ask, what, if anything, is correct in translated Bibles… The language cannot be ambiguous to such an extreme extent that so very many of these passages could be translated completely differently! In the large majority of the cases, the translation will have to be at least essentially correct. Most of these incidents never really occurred, since they are not archeologically verified. One wanted to glorify one’s own history. In that case “horrify” would be a more proper way to put it! It may be that some incidents have been exaggerated or partly even invented, but why then I such an exceedingly atrocious way? One would have gained much more from describing a peaceful settlement in the promised land with friendly relations to the residents already living there, who might even had voluntarily converted to the new belief. The bloody stories are to be understood as symbolical. It is a matter of fighting against “inner enemies” like negative tendencies, egoism, evilness and the like. Then one has really chosen to use a contra-productive language for this symbolism which is destructive and ruins the intent. And if these should be a divine revelation, what kind of a god is it, who uses such a blood-chilling language? Why at all so much of such an extremely negative symbolism? Should one cure one evil with an even worse evil? And why so many pages long? Half a page in the Bible would have been enough… And to fight “inner enemies” like that would be the wrong way. Suppression doesn’t do it. To day we know well enough from psychology that you keep what you suppress. It only becomes hidden in your unconscious self and you are not free from it. As concerns the “inner enemies”, the way Jesus described works much better: “love your enemies”! Who turns towards the light and opens his heart enables that such “inner enemies” instead become transformed! One would have to ask oneself how much of what is written in the Old Testament is really true – or maybe most of it is symbolical? There are also those who claim that those slaughtered were “sinners” who devoted themselves to wrong beliefs and practices. Also the children? Such a claim reminds a lot of to-day’s Talibans ... who in their extremely subjective interpretation abuse alleged “sins against the Qur’an” as excuses for horrible atrocities against people.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 09:07:41 +0000

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