How do we approach defining our universe ? or at least our present - TopicsExpress


How do we approach defining our universe ? or at least our present one,, me personally i cant even define the word in its context of written seems to be all manner of things,, for example,, is it defined by the borders of our solar system, or even our galaxy or does it mean the universe that contains all we think we see, like stars etc which includes what we perceive as our solar system and galaxy and all the other galaxies ? Or perhaps its better defined as a great big hologram with folds and layers and that which is projected by our being,,,, i mean, who told us what our solar system even looks like ? have you ever seen it? i mean like from a relative distance in the physical sense ? How do we ascertain it is even there,, how do we ascertain if we are merely in a holodeck suite onboard a giant mother ship ? We dont............. We dont because the moment we ask the question is the moment we realise we are following the 3d Earth programing.... The moment we ask ourselfs where are we ? we dis-empower our whole system. We place a perceived knowledge outside of our selfs We ask,,, where are we ?,, we place ourselfs somewhere,, we place ourselfs in a solar system in a universe,, because that is the program of belief,,, we tend not to place ourselfs in our heart space though, (its the last place i ever looked,, over and over again) So,, exactly where are we ? lol,, :-) We are here inside,, as the programmed construct is reversed so is our personal one,, the outside and the inside,, the one outside of us is what we project from inside of us,, so whats inside of us ? The universe,, so whats really outside of the Universe ? nothing in my opinion :-) just a programed structure called belief,, which of course we are now dissolving ,,ho hum. Antimatter and matter,, dream state non dream state when we are asleep we are really awake,, NASAs antimatter is our matter, everything is completely reversed in the 3d program... To me a star looks like an Atom inside out and an Atom looks like a star folded in on itself. its all ass about face,, back to front :-) So if we look outside of our universe we will find we project what we believe we expect to see. So whats outside of the universe is everything we project to see. Whats inside the universe is simply us,,, If we unfold the star it shines...
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:13:30 +0000

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