How do we get the confidence to rely on Jesus in every - TopicsExpress


How do we get the confidence to rely on Jesus in every circumstance? “BE GLAD IN THE LORD AT ALL TIMES: AGAIN I SAY, BE GLAD. LET YOUR GENTLE BEHAVIOUR BE CLEAR TO ALL MEN. THE LORD IS NEAR. HAVE NO CARES; BUT IN EVERYTHING WITH PRAYER AND PRAISE PUT YOUR REQUESTS BEFORE GOD. AND THE PEACE OF GOD, WHICH IS DEEPER THAN ALL KNOWLEDGE, WILL KEEP YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS IN CHRIST JESUS. FOR THE REST, MY BROTHERS, WHATEVER THINGS ARE TRUE, WHATEVER THINGS HAVE HONOUR, WHATEVER THINGS ARE UPRIGHT, WHATEVER THINGS ARE HOLY, WHATEVER THINGS ARE BEAUTIFUL, WHATEVER THINGS ARE OF VALUE, IF THERE IS ANY VIRTUE AND IF THERE IS ANY PRAISE, GIVE THOUGHT TO THESE THINGS.” (PHILIPPIANS 4:4-8 BBE). As we have discussed several times, our actions are a result of our words that are caused by our thoughts and our thoughts are determined by what we believe! To believe is to have confidence in, to trust and to accept that what we are placing our confidence in is effective. Paul encourages the Philippian believers with eight positive principles that help create a victorious Christian life. They are not “laws” or “steps” just truths to build upon. He says to think about… 1. Things that are true, that is: factual, exact and upright. 2. Things that is honest, that is: honorable, truthful, genuine, not characterized by deception or fraud. 3. Things that are right, that is: what is just, or righteous; moral, impartial, any circumstance, fact or deed that is right. 4. Things that are pure,” uncontaminated, wholesome, free from defilement or impurity. 5. Things that are lovely, pleasing, exquisite, divine, inspiring love or affection. 6. A good report, that is: a saying or report that is positive and constructive rather than negative and destructive. 7. Virtue, which is moral excellence, high merit and goodness. 8. Praise, or what is praiseworthy; worthy to pay tribute to, to glorify. Do we constantly think these thoughts? I dare say that more often than not we think doubt more than truth, how deceitful someone is, how wrong the situation is, how corrupt people are, how unpleasant the circumstances, how negative ‘others’ are, how wicked everyone has become and we criticize everyone around us. We need to focus on the good in every area of our lives. Forget the bad, it is over; move on. Gloria Copeland uses the phrase “Get over it.” Recognizing Gods love in even the smallest things will bring peace and keep our hearts and minds following hard after the Lord. Praise the LORD that He is near, as near as our very breath; Give Him all glory for peace to keep our minds and hearts IN the anointing. Fullness of Grace Ministry International declares love, joy and peace to you in the fullness of Grace, Jesus! (tep)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:55:51 +0000

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