How do we tithe, Biblically? And aside from that, there are - TopicsExpress


How do we tithe, Biblically? And aside from that, there are offerings and firstfruits, other opportunities to bless us financially. Its not just giving, its blessing others and being blessed according to Gods riches and gloryNow Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold. And he journeyed on from the Negeb as far as Bethel to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai, (Genesis 13:2, 3 ESV) so when Abraham tithed, he gave the 10th of what he had so this is what Im going to say in its probably not going to be very pleasant to some people, if you understand what this is saying not what your minister or priest said he was told, Abraham tithed one 10th of his gold and gems; he did not tithe one 10th of his house so I would say it sounds like after his tent and furnishing cost; he did not tithe one 10th of his cost to run his camels, or food bill. Tithing is blessing people definitely financially but tithing was not meant to build a giant church or make a priest rich. So if you have money in your hand and in your bank account and you would start tithing, you would donate a tenth from your bank account one time in order for it to multiply it and every week or payday to whom ever you choose who blesses it and multiplies it dont just give it to somebody whos not gonna bless your money multiply because you miss Bobbys just throwing it to the wind. I am not speaking about giving it to a poor person who is not going to bless money but Im talking about a minister. I cant find anything in the Bible that says that you have to tithe your house payment, your food and your house expenses, gas to get to work, essentials , clothing, but you could start there and prove God. But please people if you can find that scripture bring it up , its got to be from the Bible, enough of our opinions, if you are just going to post an opinion Im not even to read it if you disagree because you were taught that by a man with no Scripture backing about what exactly we are supposed to be giving, other than what Abraham gave to Melchizadek. But thousands of people have grown businesses just because they decided that they are going to tithe however they figured it mathematically. It works for them. I always give and God blesses me with my part-time teaching job. I do pray that I am restored seven fold what Satan has stolen in my life and I expect to get it. For any of you non believers who are reading our posts on Facebook or anywhere else, you probably think we are idiots. But we are speaking not just from what the Bible says but what happens to people when they are Obedient, one of the most important words aside from Love, Faith and Charity in the Bible. They are breaking or confessing about their financial blessing which is what tithing is about its about the exchange and the multiplication, its Gods way of taking care of his people. He has to deliver. If it didnt work it wouldve fizzled along time ago along with the number one bestseller, the Bible. Dont knock it till you try it. We will never be punished for being a giver. And if you are wealthy enough, you can tithe your gross income. You will always be blessed by God according to his riches and glory.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 12:00:38 +0000

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