How do you cope with the sudden change of surroundings, language - TopicsExpress


How do you cope with the sudden change of surroundings, language and culture? I can tell you its not an easy task regardless of how similar cultures may look at first. There are always subtle differences in the way people across the globe behave and these can be very dangerous in the long run for the stability of your relationship. Initially we are all in love, hormones and emotions running wild, the world is bright and everything is supercharged with optimism and happiness. Over time however as a couple you will experience a shift in the mood when you face your everyday problems. For some that may be finding a good job in a new world – the language barrier may or may not be a problem for you, however the social differences can be as well as the undeniable tug of feeling homesick. Without returning home at least once a couple of years you may feel increasingly disconnected from what it is you’re used to and the serenity of what you had at first.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 19:42:24 +0000

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