How do you feel when you realize you’ve been duped? A range - TopicsExpress


How do you feel when you realize you’ve been duped? A range of emotions from hurt, anger, and shame are possible. Thoughts like, “How could I have been so stupid?”, “How could they lie to me?” can easily follow the realization of the truth. Jesus describes Satan as the “father of lies.” So, Satan is a master deceiver. He can con us into buying ‘caramel coated apples’ when the truth is that they are really ‘caramel coated onions.’ When we bite into his lie and realize we’ve been duped, it’s too late to avoid all of the consequences. Satan is intellectually superior to all humans. He and his demon minions are students of human nature. The demons that are assigned to assault us, study us to learn our fleshly weaknesses and exploit them in order to lead us in to bondage. Dr. Neil Anderson defines a spiritual stronghold as a belief system that is built on a foundation of a lie that feels true and is infiltrated with hopelessness. “This will never change.” One of Satan’s favorite lies is, “Feelings determine truth.” LIE! God’s Word determines truth! So, the key to spotting Satan’s lies is to know God’s truth and take God at His Word! If God says it, it’s true regardless of how we feel. To break free from lies, I need to: 1. Know the truth 2. Exercise faith to believe the truth 3. Act on the truth 4. Feelings line up with truth Beloved, ask the Holy Spirit to show you the lies that you’ve believed. Write down what He shows you. Ask Him to speak truth in your spirit to those lies. Again, write down the truth that He shows you. Use the following prayer format: Confess and renounce the lie you’ve believed Declare God’s truth. Ask the Lord to reclaim the ground you gave to the enemy through believing the lie. Once you tear down a stronghold, you need to build a tower of Truth. This means we need to be students of God’s Word. If you hate to read, then listen to preachers and teachers who hold to the inerrancy of the Bible and who are sound in doctrine. Memorize God’s Word! Then, when Satan launches lies at you, you will spot them, and you will be able to counter them with the Truth of God’s Word. Remember we are seated at the right hand of the Father in a position of victory with Satan as a footstool for our feet! Take Satan’s lies captive! Set your mind of God’s Truth! Blessings! Robyn
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:13:47 +0000

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