How do you honor/serve your God/Godess? Do you have holiday - TopicsExpress


How do you honor/serve your God/Godess? Do you have holiday parties in honor of your creators? do you have festivals , burning man and so forth? MY idea of honoring my creators who have given so much to all of us is to do good in the world and spread the love that my creators have spread to me and all of us, all living things. It does bother me when ppl say how pagan they are and how they honor the lord and lady as well as our earth, yet sit and do nothing to help our earth, our brothers and sisters, pagan and non pagan. Life is about love and kindness to all living things and to say that your of a faith that praises these things and not lift one finger to make things any better is kinda bull shit. Its like some faiths, where ya go out and sin all week and go to church on Sunday thinking its ok cuz God forgives me cuz im here now and im saved... I am calling all self proclaimed pagans out on their faith!!!!! this is going to piss the lot of you off but i really dont care. love for our earth and creator comes first in ritual and in honoring anything or anyone. it is time we stand up and be the people we say we are by being real. Our faith teaches, among many things that we are to love and respect our beautiful earth. Yet we travel another path. we host festivals and parties to honor our creators rather then take the time and effort to honor all that has been given to us by our creator......How is this so? Why is noone standing up and living what they sell others to believe when they dont even act. HAHAHAHAHA I guess even the pagans are
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 02:11:47 +0000

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