How do you know a protest org? When they take your IP without - TopicsExpress


How do you know a protest org? When they take your IP without permission and use it as they see fit. How do you know a protest org? When they burn the bad guys (read as meanie heads that made them portray a genre) in effigy in make pretend fairy tale land. Pathetic doesnt really grasp the concept. Disgusting gets closer. The amount of copyright laws broken alone are enough for contempt. JRob and Goudie ladies and gentlemen. They really dont need an intorduction. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Brian R Goudie Date: Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:09 PM Subject: [Lost Chronicles ST] Minutes for the LC Tremere Grand Tribunal 2014 To: lc-st@googlegroups note: this was also posted to the LC Tremere list. here it is for everyone to see Presiding over the Tribunal Lady Meerlinda, Councilor of the 5th Circle of Mysteries, overseer of North America John Diamond, Pontifex of the 7th Circle of Mysteries, overseer of Industry & Finance Peter Dorfman, Pontifex of the 6th Circle of Mysteries, overseer of Politics & Religion Joseph Hannes, Pontifex of the 4th Circle of mysteries, Overseer of the Western United States. Jean-René Aloquet, Pontifex of the 3rd Circle of Mysteries, overseer of Canada Gideon Bahari, Pontifex of the 2nd Circle of Mysteries, overseer of Defense & Strategy Victor Matthias, Pontifex of the 7th circle of Mysteries, Keeper of the Arcanum Danter Romanus, Pontifex of the 6th circle of Mysteries, Sergeant of the Seven Lady Meerlinda’s opening statement for the year. “The North American House and Clan is gathered this weekend to set a new course for the future. We have failed to live up to our potential. We have failed to ensure all know our place as the bedrock of the Camarilla. This will no longer be the case. We are the true authors of the traditions, the guiding hand of the Ivory Tower. These things assure our safety; our strength doubled by them. Our enemies are legion, but we have built strong walls and found allies to man them. Remember your oaths. Go forth after this weekend and renew our strength, reforge our bounds. Ensure that all remember that House and Clan is the bulwark of the Camarilla.” Tribunal of Pontifex Sebastian DuPre Advocate - Lord Justin Hahn Prosecutor – Pontifex John Dee Charges – - Endangering House and Clan through his actions, namely providing false information to Councilor Meerlinda, including claims that placed the standing and lives of several Tremere in jeopardy. - Failure to uphold the values and goals of the Camarilla, namely conspiring with non members of the Camarilla to the detriment of both sect and House and Clan. - Failure to share knowledge with House and Clan, namely information on several violations of the oath by others. Verdict – Sebastian DuPre is reduced in rank to A1 and is transferred to the Vienna Chantry, there to serve as directed by Councilor Etrius. Tribunal of Pontifex Timothy Grimes Advocate – Lord Vasa Prosecutor- Pontifex John Dee Charges - Failure to show everlasting loyalty to House and Clan. Failure to Obey Superiors. Failure to treat inferiors with the respect and care earned. Namely multiple incidents of passing false information to Councilor Meerlinda, passing on false orders using her name, and interfering with the proper administration of House and Clan. - Endangering House and Clan through his actions. Multiple actions, including orders to underlings, which served to put both individual members of House and Clan in danger and to bring peril to the entire Order. - Failure to abide by “I will not when dealing with devils or others, in any way bring danger to the clan.” Namely multiple actions involving the infernal and the Baali, that have created direct threats to the safety of House and Clan, and which have led to a loss of political standing within the Camarilla. - Failure to uphold the values and goals of the Camarilla. Namely multiple actions which allowed the interests of House and Clan within the Camarilla to be harmed all to the benefit of outsiders. - Failure to abide by “I shall further the knowledge of the House and Clan and share with its members all that I find in my search for wisdom and power. No secrets are to be kept, or given, regarding the arts of magic, nor shall I keep secret the doings of others which might bring harm to the House and Clan.” Namely failing to provide true and accurate information to Councilor Meerlinda; Improperly interfering with the magical studies of numerous members of House and Clan; failing to report several underlings he knew to be violation of the oath and assisting them in covering up such actions. - Failure to abide by “I recognize that the enemies of the House and Clan are my enemies, that the friends of the House and Clan are my friends, and that the allies of the House and Clan are my allies. Let us work as one and grow hale and strong.” Multiple incidents were he placed the goals of outsiders above that of the clan, furthered the agendas of forces hostile to all the House and Clan stands for, and perusing his own agenda to the detriment of House and Clan. Verdict – Execution. Tribunal of Lord Michelangelo Archaedia Advocate - Lord Thrace Prosecutor - Lord Ompteda Charges - Endangering House and Clan through his actions. Namely turning a blind eye to many of his underlings acts of treason against House and Clan. - Failure to abide by “I will not when dealing with devils or others, in any way bring danger to the clan.” Allowing multiple deals to made between his underlings and demons that worked to the disadvantage of House and Clan. Verdict - Execution Tribunal of Hugo Valentine Adam Stonebrook, Peter Premysl, Lane Nichols, Danika Premysl Advocate – Pontifex Adrian Richter Prosecutor Lord Hale Charges - Failure to show everlasting loyalty to House and Clan. Failure to Obey Superiors. - Endangering House and Clan. - Failure to uphold the values and goals of the Camarilla All of the above charges related to a variety of actions undertaken by the above individuals, many under the guise of acting for the Justicariate, which led to numerous political problems and setbacks for House and Clan. Verdicts Apprentice Danika Premysl was executed on site. The remainders of the accused were remanded to Vienna for tribunal there. Tribunal of Apprentice Patrick Adams Advocate- Apprentice Robert Bowen Prosecutor - Apprentice Margret Hannah Charges - Failure to abide by the Edicts on sharing Magical knowledge of House and Clan to those not of the blood. Namely having shared considerable magical information with a human sorcerer who was not bound in any way. Verdict. Apprtentice Adams was reduced in rank from Apprentice of the 6th circles of Mysteries to Apprentice of the 1st and was required to assist in the capture of the human he confided in. Tribunal of Apprentice Isabeau Mensah Advocate Apprentice Mason Watson Prosecutor Regent Olivia Fuller Charges - Failure to Obey the orders of Superiors. Namely refusing orders from her Regent to take the public loss of status over an incident in order to protect House and Clan as a whole. - Failure to honor the wishes of the Inner Council of Seven. Namely failing to follow Councilor Meerlindas orders to increase cooperation and allies among Camarilla. Verdict Apprentice Menseh was found guilty of failure to obey her superiors and reduced from Apprentice of the 5th circle to Apprentice of the 1st, not be promoted for 1 year and required to take a second draught from the cup. She was found innocent of the second charge. Tribunal of Apprentice Anthony Kirkland Advocate Regent Derek Olvera Amaya Prosecutor Apprentice Brian Fletcher Charges - Attempting to slay any member of House and Clan except in self-defense or when a Magus has been ruled outlaw by a properly constituted Tribunal. Namely the destruction of Apprentice Kay Mcdonald, while the apprentice was possessed by a spirit. Verdict - Apprentice Kirkland was found to have acted in self defense and in the defense his chantry. Edicts House Horned Society has been judged to have made too many errors and failures in the past years and given the number of members found to be disloyal to the Pyramid cannot be trusted to operate under their own watch. The House is disbanded in North America. House Virtue will handle any matters that would have previously fallen under their rubric with assistance from other groups. Furthermore a decision on the future of the Horned Society for all of House and Clan will be decided in Vienna at the New Year. Announcements Pontifex Joseph Hannes is promoted to Potifex of the 5th Circle of Mysteries. Pontifex Jean-René Aloquet is promoted to Pontifex of the 4th Circles of Mysteries. Pntifex Gideon Bahari is promoted to Pontifex of the 3rd Circle of Mysteries. Lord Hale is promoted to Pontifex of the 2nd Circle of Mysteries and placed in charge of the Eastern United States. Lord Ronco is promoted to Pontifex of the 1st circle of Mysteries and placed in charge of the Midwest of the United States. Lord Malcolm Calloway is reduced to the rank of Rgent of the 7th circle of Mysteries. A note was made that his failings were primarily the result of following ex Pontifex Grimes orders, so mercy was being shown. Regent Banshee is promoted to Lord of the 2nd circles of Mysteries under Pontifex Ronco Apprentice Damien Merrin is promoted to Lord of the 1st circle of Mysteries under Pontifex Ronco.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 19:01:42 +0000

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