How do you know when you’re talking to a left wing lunatic? A - TopicsExpress


How do you know when you’re talking to a left wing lunatic? A partial list follows. Apologies to Jeff Foxworthy. 1. When they demand you provide citations to support well established and accepted facts, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 2. When they dismiss your opinion without any explanation while using profanity, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 3. When they accuse you of watching too much Fox News, but you don’t watch Fox News, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 4. When they call Fox News, Faux Noise, you are talking to a left wing lunatic. 5. If you are accused of “resenting the fact that a black man is President”, you are talking to a left wing lunatic. 6. If you are called a “racist” for being involved in the Tea Party, but never having said or done anything racist, you are talking to a left wing lunatic. 7. If you are called a “homophobe” because you happen to believe marriage is limited to its traditional definition, you are talking to a left wing lunatic. 8. If you are called a “global warming denier” because you don’t believe any law Congress passes will change the weather, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 9. If you are disparaged for believing we are taxed enough already, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 10. If you are criticized because you believe people have the basic right to have a firearm for self defense, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 11. If someone demands to know, “why do you need a gun?”, chances are good, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 12. If you have ever been badgered for expecting the government to maintain the integrity of our borders, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 13. If you have ever been made to feel guilty about being successful, it was probably by a left wing lunatic. 14. If you’ve been called a racist because you expect reasonable laws ensuring voter eligibility, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 15. If you’ve been called a racist because you happen to think illegitimacy and parental responsibility are major cultural issues we need to address, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 16. If you ever had to defend the Founding Fathers from being labeled ‘white supremacist slaveholders’, you were talking to a left wing lunatic. 17. If ever had to defend America from being slandered. the slanderer was probably a left wing lunatic. 18. If you were labeled a ‘xenophobe’ because you believe illegal aliens are in the country illegally, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 19. If you’re called a war monger because you favor a fully funded and superior military, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 20. If you’re called a ‘chicken hawk’ because you favor the use of military action when needed to protect the nation, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 21. If they think MSNBC is news, but Fox News in GOP propaganda, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 22. If they believe the mainstream media is not liberally biased, you’re talking to an ignorant left wing lunatic. 23. If they believe 9/11 was an inside job, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 24. If they believe America never landed on the moon, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 25. If the mere mention of the name of Sara Palin causes them to foam at the mouth, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 26. If they believe Southern whites would reinstitute slavery if given the opportunity, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 27. If they believe that al-Qaeda would love us if we just got out of the Middle East, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 28. If they believe that Israel is the problem in the Holyland and not Islamist radicals, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 29. If they believe the US should unilaterally disarm and dismantle its nuclear arsenal, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 30. If they believe that Sharia Law is compatible with Western Civilization, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 31. If they believe that $17 trillion in the National Debt is nothing to be concerned about, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 32. If they still blame George W. Bush for the state of the nation, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 33. If they suggest giving credit to Obama for killing Bin Laden, but don’t assign him any blame for Benghazi, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 34. If they want to ban assault rifles, but can’t identify one, you’re talking to a left wing lunatic. 35. If they make light of this list and then go copy it to write about conservatives, then they are plagiarizing left wing lunatics. 36. If you think all left wing lunatics should all be imprisoned for life at hard labor without parole you are an upstanding great American.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 18:57:33 +0000

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