How do you present the numinous in your games? Games such as - TopicsExpress


How do you present the numinous in your games? Games such as D&D by their fantastical nature present deities as living and real beings, along with the concept of spirits, resurrection and so on. Even Vampire: The Masquerade goes a long way towards stating outright that the Abrahamic God is real, along with Caine and many other biblical figures. Doing so ties in to the metaplot. I prefer ambiguity in my games. I prefer the unknowable to be unknown, and so even in Vampire the Caine myth is one of many origin stories, with vampires such as Mithras laughing at the concepts of the Cainite Heresy and similar groups. I feel that by confirming a deity as actually being real removes some of the wonderful mystery from a world. At the very least, in a game like Planescape the deities are referred to as Powers. Powerful mortals, but not truly gods. There may be gods, but anyone claiming to be one is a fraud and any mortal claiming to serve one directly is a charlatan. In your games do you take a standard approach to these things or alter them based on the setting? Is there a benefit to being religious or faithful jn your games, or do atheists gain the same advantages? Is religion in your games rendered increasingly obsolete by science and human endeavour, or do the two co-exist? Go into as much or as little detail as you like. Im interested to hear from you. (Re-posted due to a transmission error)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:30:18 +0000

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