How do you say goodbye to a great job that youve had for almost 11 - TopicsExpress


How do you say goodbye to a great job that youve had for almost 11 years? For over a decade, Ive been fortunate to be among the talented, gifted, and remarkable people that work for Shooters Inc, in Philadelphia. Ive been a Senior TV Editor for Shooters, and I have enjoyed all the prestige that goes along with that. Ive made life-long friends, and I know that I will never work anywhere else again that can afford me such a sense of acceptance and belonging. For many of us, its very difficult to make really big changes in our lives. We get comfortable in the routines and tasks that we repeat every day. This is- at the same time- what is comforting and what is constricting about a full time job. For me, it was excruciating to make the decision to leave Shooters. I know, however, that its the right choice. My wife was offered a job at the University of North Carolina. I would be denying her the chance to know the same kind of happiness that I enjoy at Shooters if we didnt go. So, I have given my notice to Shooters Inc, and Im off to Raleigh, NC where my wife has already begun her new career as Assistant Property Manager. I will be taking this opportunity to start my own business- The Video Crush. Anchored by the Video Crush Podcast, I will be exploring ways to leverage my unique TV skills to help small businesses and entrepreneurs navigate todays changing marketing landscape. On the podcast, I talk to brilliant people to see how they have made viable businesses from doing the things they love. Will I succeed in my own business? Only time will tell. This, I can guarantee: Ill give it everything I have. Nothing will get in my way. Nothing will discourage me. Nothing will stop me. I will CRUSH it, or I will be crushed.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 01:24:40 +0000

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