How do you stay happily married for 54 years and beyond? How do - TopicsExpress


How do you stay happily married for 54 years and beyond? How do you live a life of married bliss during two wars and separation by thousands of miles for years at a time? How do you raise a family to love God, love country, love their community (no matter where it was) and love each other? One obvious answer is to pick the right person to marry. My parents did this and from Day #1, divorce was never an option – but commitment was. When they said, “I do”, they meant it, lived it and modeled it. I’m sure they had disagreements in their marriage, but my sister and I never knew it….any arguments or “intense discussions” were held behind closed doors, away from their children. I never, ever heard my parents raise their voices to one another in anger, but I did hear them say “I love you.” Every day, I saw my Daddy kiss my mother on his way out the door as he left for work and again when he came home. I saw them hug one another, laugh with each other, tease one another and just enjoy each other’s company. I heard her call him “Daddy” and him call her “Mother.” I saw them sit side-by-side in church and serve God together. I sat around many a dinner table with guests who were far away from their own home and found a temporary one in mine. Today would be my parents’ 71st wedding anniversary and as I miss them each and every day of my life, I am eternally blessed to have been born to Marvin and Nina Adams, whose marriage was a model for my own.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 16:06:13 +0000

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