How does Starbucks get to charge so much money for their coffee? - TopicsExpress


How does Starbucks get to charge so much money for their coffee? Usually, if something is high in cost - its either of high quality or has a level of exclusivity. We all know Starbucks coffee cant be exclusive because there are literally over 11 thousand of them in the US alone. Second, their coffee is terrible. It comes out of a machine and is probably packaged in a bag like cheap wine and shipped from some super factory that brews a thousand gallons at a time. WHY!? Because some barbie doll with a double digit IQ froths the milk? Third, ordering their coffee is brutally inconvenient. Starbucks requires you to learn another language in order to purchase a coffee. If you walk into Starbucks and ask for a coffee with cream & sugar - they look at you like you are a mutant from another planet. Um, do you want a Skinny Venti Bellisimo Mocha Chupacabra Livin La Vida Loca with Soy milk? No, I want a coffee. Brew it and put milk and sugar in it and hand it to me. Is that an extra training course they need to take? Yet when you walk into one of these mindless establishments there is a line from here to Wyoming of self-important BMW owners with bluetooths and women with crocs and knock off Gucci bags standing in line texting other people of no importance about things that dont matter. People who drink Starbucks in the morning are the same people who believe Justin Biebers arrests and Kim Kardashians wedding are important and breaking news stories and post motivational pictures on Instagram and call that self-expression. Lets be honest.. if you have ever drank a cup of coffee of any value from a local coffee shop (&Grain, whaddup?) or even drank some real espresso - you wouldnt even acknowledge a Starbucks existence. We stand in lines to pay for overpriced coffee so we can start our days paying over $3 a gallon in our fast cars worth nothing in New Jersey because everywhere you can drive fast is littered with traffic... we live in a time where everything is a paradox. We make no sense with our actions. I am not saying I am better than you for not drinking Starbucks... I am just saying I make better financial decisions before 8AM than you do and I might be a little more blessed in the logic department. So enjoy your double grande mocha twist latte with half skim half cream and 2 equals for $42.99 - I rather take a loan out on a car - not a cup of coffee. End rant.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:32:56 +0000

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