How does a 1 machete household turn into 2 machetes? Its a - TopicsExpress


How does a 1 machete household turn into 2 machetes? Its a long story... Today, I took my sword to town today for the first time. And I did NOT mean to carry it up a mountain, in the snow, while Ken Burns played a melancholy tune, that only I can hear. Honestly. Id made a lot of assumptions about the sword having had an active life, before being too fancy to fight with... Maybe it never was in a war. Maybe it never even rode a horse! . Q: Would THAT be shame, or a peach? A waste to leave hanging there.... A: No. The question is Could a good intention in the morning sunshine turn into a surprise snow? Q: ...Like its not even trying to be a season? A: Its COLORADO, Dummy! You have car boots that live in the car for a reason.... Theres house boots for non-emergencies. Q: Youll always remember slipping around in terrible cloth shoes, inconveniently carrying a calvary sword, wont you? A: Listen, Im NOT just a run-of-the-mill emotional white girl with a bat. Awe. I miss Richmond... isnt what I was expecting next either, person reading this! Q: But wait... How does a 1 machete household turn into 2 machetes? A: Shannon TOTALLY WOULD forget that his truck machete stays in the truck...Because he invented it back in the 70s. Whatever. He had a truck machete this whole time...Hooray! A flimsy excuse to buy a new machete! --SHOCKING TWIST-- Technically, there are 3 machetes. I forgot about the fancy one that hangs on the wall. Its in the same room as your sword. ...The End? Luckily, Im violently coughing and able to type at the same time, so I didnt even waist time sleeping.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 08:07:04 +0000

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