How does a Malaysia Airlines flight 370 with 239 people on board - TopicsExpress


How does a Malaysia Airlines flight 370 with 239 people on board simply disappear from the radar screen of air controllers and the satellite systems without any signal of distress? There must be a technical explanation but until the plane and its black box are found, we can only speculate. If its disappearance cannot be explained, it will remain a mystery. And when there are mysteries, my initial reflex is to turn to the Bible. I ask myself, is this the beginning of the period known as Rapture? If it is, and subsequent mysterious disappearances of people can only confirm this, then we are indeed approaching the Second Coming of Christ. There are many views of Rapture. The selective theory holds that true Christians will be raptured before, in the midst of, or after the tribulation, depending on ones genuine conversión to God and the faith. Therefore the rapture of a believer is determined by the timing of his conversión during the tribulation which, as I wrote before in numerous postings on FB, I believe to be upon us as foretold by Jesús in the Gospels. The Greek verb of Rapture in 1 Thessalonians means taken away with the connotation this is a sudden event. I myself believe in a two-phase return of Christ, the first phase when the raptured secretly meet Him in the air prior to the appearance of the Anti-Christ, and the second phase when the raptured return with Him after the defeat of the Anti-Christ. I believe in a Rapture prior to the severe outpouring of Gods wrath in the second half of the tribulation. All the strange events happening around us, including what is happening in Crimea with a Russian de facto annexation and what could possibly happen in the near future by countries like China, are, I believe, when I read Revelation where there are symbolic references to those countries, setting the stage for the Final Days before the Second Coming of Christ. Of course I could be wrong but since when has the Bible been wrong?
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:02:03 +0000

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