How does the Law of Attraction Work? The Law of Attraction is a - TopicsExpress


How does the Law of Attraction Work? The Law of Attraction is a universal law like Gravity. It exists wether we want it to or not. We have heard Opposites attract and I am going to say - Nope. Not a chance. Law of Attraction ( Id say the better name for it is Law of Creation because we are creating rather that just attracting) is a magnet or mirror to yourself. You are attracting what you are feeling and thinking: the good, the bad and the ugly! Ouch - That stung like an angry bee on steroids when I heard that but its true - and thats why when you learn about it you can utilise it and benefit from it. You are always feeling and thinking and so you are manipulating the law of attraction every minute of the day. You are never being blamed when the experts explain this, because we are not aware of it most the time. People can experience horrific trauma, abuse and violence of which none is acceptable or should be blamed upon the sufferers, nor am I saying you chose that traumatic event or circumstance. I am sure if you were faced with a vending machine of experiences you would not hit the have a car accident button, but the law of attraction is not always about an specific event you consciously chose - how can it be when it is working 24/7 and we are barely conscious of everything we feel and think? However, you may have attracted events that are matching how you feel and think inside. If you feel negative 50% of the time you will attract negative situations to you 50% of the time. The principle is simple: You attract what you are vibrationally feeling. So let this knowledge bring you into awareness of what is going on inside. You send out a vibrational frequency, just like sound and energy; your cells are always vibrating. These vibrations are at a higher frequency when you are super happy, excited or grateful etc whereas you are sending out a low vibration and thus a negative frequency when you feel sad, angry or worried. Therefore it is so important to focus on what you really truly want and do whatever you can to feel positive about it as much as possible whilst avoiding negative feelings. What you really want to have working for you are the hundred trillion cells in your body vibrating in sync. You can technically attract anything to you. Does gravity say woah hang on now, I cant to hold down that mansion - its too big!? No. And the Law of Attraction lives in the same principle. A handbag, a new job or a new villa in spain: It is all the same just like gravity. You may perceive it as less realistic or too hard to get which causes doubt which changes your thinking and therefore your feelings, so that is then responsible for if it takes longer or doesnt come to you exactly as you wanted. Be aware: This power can create bliss or cause destruction. So lets choose bliss, shall we? Since we now know just what our minds are capable of. Your Emotional Indicator: Ding ding ding ding - you are in a bad mood! This is immediately an indicator you are heading in the wrong direction. Errr - No, Guru-whats-her-face, I have every right to be angry - you dont know what he did to me! I am not saying you have to be happy with every difficult person but dont let them ruin your vibration. Do what you can to get it out your system (without attacking the mentioned individual) and then do what you can to let it go and focus your attention on other things. If someone hurt you, feel gratitude for those who support and help you. Switch focus people! Listen to your Emotional Indicator - it wont lie - it will be attracting more of what you are feeling! But it doesnt work! - Oh the whines of a Personal-Development Junkie SCORNED! Some fail to achieve the positive results using the Law of Attraction because they think positively consciously, but not unconsciously. Also lots of people have beliefs, habits and values that are not in line with each other and the desires they try to manifest. Remember, firstly check with your emotional indicator, if you are saying I am happy, I am happy, I am happy but your feelings are frustration, upset and loneliness then it wont work. Secondly, remember you want all your cells vibrating together in harmony! So if you want to attract good health but the action you are taking is in front of the TV all day eating donuts the Universe is receiving a mixed signal! To check what is really going on subconsciously we need to get down and dirty with the nitty gritty. Practically everyone is blessed with limiting beliefs through their years of experiencing the world. Limiting beliefs will hinder you. I will cover NLP and coaching techniques to really help you dig these out and then dissolve them in a future post
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:27:07 +0000

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