How does the media milk the death of a black child to sell its - TopicsExpress


How does the media milk the death of a black child to sell its advertisements I came across an article wtitten by Breanna Edwards titled Pharrell Williams: Why Aren’t We Talking About Michael Brown’s ‘Bullyish’ Behavior? The article title hints at some concerns that Pharrell Williams might have that Mike Brown has been given a pass on his own culpability for the incident that took his life. What! Would Pharrell go there. Id better check this out cause I didnt think the brother rolled like that. Click Your story will appear after this ad. Gotcha! The Breanna Edwards article teases but the Ebony article in its entirety presents what you would expect from a black man as intelligent as Pharrell. Why this is done is clear and I understand marketing and the importance of making a living but what if I dont click and just walk away with the tease as truth. The tease and subsequent clarification is the best that we can expect from internet news reporting or commentary. The worst that we find on the internet and more and more on Facebook are lies the unvarnished lies that are more or less successful depending on the readers gullibility or willingness to embrace a half truth it fills in the pieces of their life puzzle. Those life puzzles can be pretty simple or they may be very complex card table size monsters. I try to be mindful that what I write might be consumed by folks who have a end use for my words that not only dont reflect my beliefs or views but are antithetical to them. I hope that if you are going to use my words, repeat them or reference them, you will give some passing reference to what my intentions are before you use your spin to tumble them. Now I cant ask you to do this if I am not transparent with you. I have grown to love some of my Facebook friends because of their willingness to be transparent. Their willingness to tell it like they see it. I pick on Morning Joe because he is a shill. What MJ really feels about the issues that concern me remains a mystery. If I were to start a blog and I were to identify a target audience for that blog I wonder if I too might have to become a little or a lot more consistent to satisfy my audience. I am a high applause guy. I love praise and being liked is very important to me. I know the source of this need/want and I have no problem being transparent about it. Thankfully along with my need to please I have developed a moral compass that Meatball would appreciate. My friends do you feel that Facebook is aiding us in addressing our issues on a personal and political level or do you feel we are becoming like check out stand magazines waiting for someone to pick us up and give us a read. Striving to find the right formula that gets us those likes and comments. Sing it Meat :) https://youtube/watch?v=NP-ao4QwIoQ
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 13:39:42 +0000

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