How grateful we are to live in a city with a heritage of - TopicsExpress


How grateful we are to live in a city with a heritage of partnership between government and the faith community. For the second time in a matter of weeks our Mayor, Betsy Price, has called for prayer for another city. First, we prayed over Dallas and the Ebola challenge they faced. This week, she asked us to pray over Ferguson and all the other cities under threat caused by strong racial tensions. So, we have gladly complied. Join us now by praying with us: Father, we come, in Jesus Name and in faith, believing for Ferguson and all cities under the destructive force of the spirit of division. As the Body of Christ we stand for the love of God to be poured out in a great awakening across this nation. We agree with Jesus prayer that the world will know us by our love-a love so strong that it stops storms of strife. Along with thousands of others called by His Name, we have humbled ourselves while seeking His face, and now believe for His mighty hand to heal our land. We praise Him for His faithfulness. We speak peace to the streets of Ferguson and all those like it. And, like Daniel, we expect the mouths of lions who stir trouble and strife to be shut so that no one listens. Praise God for America and His move among us! The devil is a liar but Jesus is Lord! Click to read Mayor Prices request for prayer: terricopelandpearsons/a-call-to-prayer-for-ferguson-our-communities-by-mayor-betsy-price/
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:17:07 +0000

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