How has the Psyche of AAP supporters evolved over the last few - TopicsExpress


How has the Psyche of AAP supporters evolved over the last few months. I would confess, I was also an AAP supporters and once I realized this was a party bluffing people, I decided to expose it as much as I could. Here is a short analysis on how AAP supporters eveolved and what was the critical point, where AAP faced desertion from its supporters AAP started with a promise, with a hope to change, by equally targeting all the existing parties and the ways to do politics. Many including me were happy and were confident that this was about it. The 1st shock – After a while we saw that AAP is the nest and breeding ground for anti national and traitor forces (Prashant Bhushan, Binayak Sen, Manish Sisodia to name a few). I can go on and on naming how many Terrorists lovers and Naxalite supporters are in the party. Despite that many people supported Kejriwal/AAP because he himself was understood to be clean and patriot. The 2nd Shock – Kejriwal openly supported terrorists of Batla House and suicide bomber Ishrat Jahan. He raised questions on terrorists who had been convicted by courts and he raise encounters of Gujarat even when encounters in other states were much higher, because he clearly wanted to polarize Muslim votes. Supporting terrorists for the purpose of Votebank set aside any doubts on him not being a traitor. Still he had support because of his stand against corruption. He promised a clean and neat government, zero tolerance for corruption. The 3rd Shock – Kejriwal gave Lok Sabha tickets to many tainted people. Candidates from Jammu, Haryana, UP, Bihar, Mumbai etc. Finally he included the IAS officer Yudhveer Kavaliya. He is the same person who replaced Ashok Khemka at the instruction of Haryana Congress government. He reverted the decision of honest officer Khemka to help Vadra in his ‘illegal’ land grabbings. If you all have weak memory, let me remind you that Kejriwal and Co started their political career by doing a press conference ‘exposing’ Vadra. So it is fair to say that Kejriwal compromised the most basic and his most core issue. Hence it became clear, he is not against corruption either. The 4th & Final Shock – Then his supporters said he may be bad, he may have done lot of bad things but his intentions are good. Just that he is new and learning and he needs to be given sometime before being judged. Then came a video which showed Kejriwal fixing an interview with 1 Aaj Tak journalist. This video made it clear that his intentions were anything but good where he was found fooling the ‘middle class votebank’, fixing interviews, using the name of Bhagat Singh to fool people. It proved that all of his interviews which were termed ‘visionary’ were actually an attempt to manipulate people and fool around. Naturally many of the supporters deserted him because they had lost every reason to support him. So yes, I would say this LOUD and CLEAR, those people who still support this Kejriwal after all these things are either Anti Nationals or Retards (AAPtards) or both. I hope I made it clear, this has nothing to do with supporting or opposing Modi or Congress or any other party. It is purely related to supporting Kejriwal as there is no sane reason left to support him unless you are a Retarded person or a Traitor. Via - https://facebook/suyashbharadwaj
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:31:04 +0000

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