How hath thou fallen oh once a great and powerful Nation Nation! - TopicsExpress


How hath thou fallen oh once a great and powerful Nation Nation! You, who were once the light of the world! How hath thou gone from the pyramids to the to the projects? From Nubian Gods into subservient negros? Where are your great men and women of renown, your kings and Queens, your Lords and Ladys? How is it that you no longer bill great temples dedicated to your God and Goddesses your ancestors? What happened to your great citys, kingdoms and the great ancient world Empire of the Nubian Race! Our Ancestors left us a legacy so great that thousands of years after it was destroyed by the pale (So-called white) man and his mulatto offspring in the so-called Middle East The modern world still operates on its civilizing principles! Your original homeland was known world wide as Ta-Neter translated into English to mean Land of the Gods! Also called kush, Ta Seti, Ta mary and Kemet ect, The first civilization, the root or Mother Culture of ancient Egypt (Kemet) and the rest of Africa!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 04:57:03 +0000

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