How i see ritual: we use ritual to connect with the divine - - TopicsExpress


How i see ritual: we use ritual to connect with the divine - whether is is a God or a Goddess or both and in this ritual we honour then our spiritual soul and the soul of seasons within us and the journey of the God and Goddess in all living and non-living. One can say that our ritual is like a sunday mass that christians have - but to me it is more personal, more connecting and more magical....ours are just more nature centered and seasonal and honouring everything in the divine in us and around us....we do not cut out anything... i believe that when we do a ritual you become one with the divine and nature and the soul of all purpose..u call into you all that is pure and good and bring a balance between you the light and the dark as we cannot function on our own. These rituals open one then to become an oracle to receive the world or symbols of the divine and also give a person who know the way to speak through divination or spell work ritual is when you express yourself as part of the energy of creation and that you invoke that energy within you to express your joy sadness and queries and if need be your quest in the version of spells. Spells are not there to ask for money or fame or such, but it is an internal desire to bestow good upon you or those around you but in spell work the witch or person casting the spells must know exactly what the consequences of such spell, divination or oracle work can be Thus doing a ritual is changing yourself from a mundane everyday being into a spiritual magical being where you enter your higher conscious level and setting free all of that which held you back, free you from the things you dont need and then invoking into your spirit mind and body that which is good upbuilding A ritual is also a place to converse with the spirit that was before you (your ancestors) or your guides (which can be animals, angels or anything) to teach or guide or advise you on future actions. Samhain in the northern hemisphere is where the year is ended and all which has not happened discarded and all un-accomplished spells are destroyed, where you converse with your ancestors honouring them and rekindling your affirmation in them for guiding you and giving you your life. In ritual you also connect with meditation, visualization and some even trance to become in an enlightened oracle state...where your ancestors or your guides or the God or Goddess can converse with you...This is a place where you become true to yourself, your feelings and your path and you cut out all other booglewaggle from your existence. To me ritual should not only be held on certain days or in certain places, but it should be an everyday thing where you do not always need to cast a sacred space or call the Towers, but that you have that ability in you to become connected with the universal magic by will no matter where you to me you as a person is a ritual, you are the tools and you are that which you need to do magic or just connect spirituality wise.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 13:21:30 +0000

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