How important is the 2015 Queensland State election? Far more - TopicsExpress


How important is the 2015 Queensland State election? Far more important that the media have reported. Because of its ramifications for our future, it is now the most important election this century. Des does bring up some good points in his comment. However Queenslanders, right or wrong, look at many more issues. Newman has never been held to account for the questions over his involvement in the Wagner mining issue in Toowoomba, continually brought into prominence by Sydneys 2GB host Alan Jones, but ignored by the States media. Newman is seen by many as arrogant, ruthless in crushing dissent, refuses to listen to advice contrary to his own belief, even his advisors are quick to dismiss and block critics from his FB page. If there was Facebook in the 1930s he could be described as a certain infamous political leader. He keeps incompetent Ministers in position despite complaints, because to replace them would question his original decision and only will act if they are publicly outed for some misdemeanour. (that way he can claim he knew nothing about it). Queenslanders hate smart-arses and Newman seems to embody everything that ordinary people do not like in a leader. He however was the power that put the LNP back together again , when all the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldnt. Queenslanders have had to suffer almost twenty years of infighting in the LNP which saw them self destruct every-time an election was called. People were wondering if the LNP were happy to stay in opposition and collect their fat pay checks for doing nothing. Well once you get into government you have to at least look like you are earning your salary. That takes work. Perhaps one answer would be to halve the pay of opposition members so that they might actually become a real opposition and put in some work towards getting into government? On the flip side, that destructive, wasteful Labor Party that practically bankrupted Queensland, still have the same people waiting to get back into Parliament and they have not done one thing deserving of returning to the government benches. Union leaders and Labor mates are rubbing their hands with salivating anticipation of getting their hands on the public purse once again. Queenslanders do not have short memories. The fact that there are at least 33 seats in parliament currently held by LNP that could swing to Labor shows just how contemptuous the people are of Campbell Newmans leadership. Queensland is faced with a conundrum. Get rid of Newman and suffer the consequences. Most likely the LNP will still hold power, but without Newman the LNP coalition could very well collapse and the next election in 2018, could return them to the opposition for another ten to twenty years. (or worse if the LNP implode we may have an earlier election) Keep Newman and put up with his much hated leadership style for another three years. By 2018, the Labor Party might actually have some quality candidates and policies to put up a decent fight. Campbell Newman might still have a chance and he only has two more weeks to make some radical changes. The future of the State is much more important than his ego. Newman needs to look at himself and realise he is not Solomon. People HATE arrogant leaders. This is not the Army. If you dont like your Commanding Officer you cant vote him out. In the public service you can! It is a wonderful thing democracy! Plenty of soldiers wish they had it too. Be humble when you front the public, acknowledge you MAY have made mistakes (people are very forgiving of those that admit they are ( may be) w r o n g...( yes it is hard to say Campbell). Answer your critics. If there are questions over your affiliations or decisions, be open and answer them, honestly. Get rid of the under-performing Ministers. Yes you know who they are, as do those that have to deal with them. Your refusal to deal with the issue is affecting morale, productivity and service delivery which affects the community! Have some additional policies that look after the majority of the people, not the few... for example - Workers Compensation. Your changes have tilted the balance to the extreme right. It needs to be returned to impartiality. It can be done. But unfortunately there seems to be many first time parliamentarians voted in 2012 who wont get a second term. 78 LNP MPs, people from which we could have seen some great future leaders nurtured and developed for the next decade and onwards. All could be wasted. How important is the 2015 Queensland State election? Far more important that the media have reported. Because of its ramifications for our future, it is now the most important election this century.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 03:43:58 +0000

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