How in God’s name, did a bunch of poorly armed farmers and - TopicsExpress


How in God’s name, did a bunch of poorly armed farmers and lawyers, laborers, shopkeepers and tradesmen, seriously hope to defeat the mightiest army in the world at that time? Yet they did it. I left out one important group for a reason. The first American revolution was preached from the pulpit. Hundreds of pastors, a bible in one hand, a long rifle in the other, boldly supported George Washington’s ragtag army. They understood better than any one that America was founded on religious freedom. They understood exactly what was at stake. rightsidenews/2013070432830/editorial/us-opinion-and-editorial/how-the-tea-party-can-save-america-and-the-world-a-plea-from-new-zealand.html
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 13:04:26 +0000

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