How in the hell did Arafat ever get a Noble Peace prize?! - TopicsExpress


How in the hell did Arafat ever get a Noble Peace prize?! Barghouti is admitting here that Arafat called for armed resistance against Israel and not for peace with Israel. I dont understand how so many Israelis and world leaders fell for Arafats bullshit. Instead of preparing his people for peace and to share the land, he raised a whole generation of Palestinians to hate Jews and despise Israel. Arafat was the worst thing that ever happened to the Palestinian people. He is the reason they were kicked out of Jordan and Lebanon and the reason there will never be a peaceful solution between Palestinians and Israelis. Abbas (the moderate) is following in Arafats footsteps and not preparing his people for peace either. On the contrary, he is telling his people to rise up in rage and commit violent acts against Israelis. It is simply amazing that Muslim killers are allowed by Israel to communicate with the outside world. These thugs are provided with three good meals each day, health care, dental care and entertainment. And lets not forget freedom to worship their godless religion. If Israel will not execute these vermin, make their lives miserable. The Israeli families of the victims are suffering each day. I join the chorus of people insisting that Barghouti be silenced, and that his connection to the outside world be severed. If his ability to get his message out is allowed by prison or corrections officials, then end this immediately. If underground methods and sources are being used, then find them and terminate them. His influence to ferment violence must end. Can you not shut this foul thing up? Why not stick him in the part of the prison where the mean criminal type Jewish people are. Turn off cameras........our problem will be solved. But, I have said it once and I will say it again and again - WE NEED THE DEATH PENALTY! IS it not time that Israel start treating its prisoners who are clearly Terrorists no less than America does at Guantanamo Bay? What Rights do Terorrists deserve? Certainty not Freedom of Speech, only the Death Penalty! In clear cases of Terrorism Israel needs Capital Punishment!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 22:31:08 +0000

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