How interesting it is that angels in Scriptures are often not - TopicsExpress


How interesting it is that angels in Scriptures are often not recognized by the people they are sent to. Today, I recognized one of Gods finest angels in the most humble human form, and this recognition came two years after meeting him. Theres this UPS delivery man who has been faithful in delivering my Amazon packages all these years since I moved to 841 1/2. Kind elderly Hispanic man who has a mustache that reminds me of Mario. He knows just where to drop my packages when I am not around, and unlike the other UPS workers, he does not mistakenly deliver my parcels to the next-door neighbors. And he has this contagious smile and upbeat personality. So, I had a tough day today--one of those sucky days, I suppose. Was a grouch and didnt want to see anyone. Then lo and behold, the angel-man appears, smiling, with my newly purchased book in its mail-wrappings. All I wanted to do was to just retrieve my book and offer a stale thank you, but what he did as he delivered my packed melted my cold, impersonal attitude, making me forget that I even have had a rough day. He told me: Today is my second last day of work. It has been a pleasure to have worked for you. I hope your return to Malaysia will be smooth. Two years of delivering, and nothing but stale thank yous, and he was still smiling, still cheerful. Ive been doing this a while, my son, he said, Time to retire. You be good, all right. Yes, sir I replied, unable to hide a countenance slowly changing from moody to smiley. God bless you, I added. Blessings to you too, my son, he exclaimed as he rushed off to his UPS truck. This exchange was only less than a minute, but it left me in awe and in a dumb-founded state. I knew then that I had met an angel in the most unassuming way. He may not have been wings and blinding light and fire, but his actions left me feeling that I am loved even when I dont deserved that love. This goes to show how smiling and being kind in words can leave a huge impact on people. I am inspired to be kind after this event. I hope to be one of Gods angels to others just as this UPS man was an angel to me today.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 05:21:30 +0000

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