How ironic, I just happen to be watching The World at War while I - TopicsExpress


How ironic, I just happen to be watching The World at War while I was reading this. The one aspect that this series does an exceptional job at doing, was showing primary sources and actual film footage attesting to Nazi diversity. The Nazis were the most diverse murderers known, they appeared to not discriminate in terms of who they were more than willing to murder. They murdered Jews, the Polish, Soviets, Americans, and fellow Germans. The Nazis murdered anyone they perceived as being different or opposed to the Nazi agenda. I imagine if they had the opportunity to murder the likes of Ben Carson, they would have been more than willing to have done so. Carsons statement about not giving a damn about political correctness, and that most people in Germany opposed Hitler and Nazis, and that he is more than willing to reference comparisons to Nazi Germany demonstrates not merely a political difference in terms of American politics, it demonstrates a depth of ignorance in terms of possessing a basic understanding in regards to the breadth of hatred and violence that the Nazis not only represented, but actually inflicted upon countless millions of diverse people. The Nazis were the German people that were willing to make Nazi Germany a reality. Germans that opposed the Nazis were murdered. Later on, other groups were allowed within the confines of being deemed racially qualified as being Nazis, those being individuals of other nationalities that possessed Aryan characteristics, characteristics that many of us may lack, certainly characteristics that President Obama and virtually all of his supporters would have lacked, either due to ideological or physical differences. Ben apparently just does not get it. The willingness to make references and comparisons to Nazi Germany is not demonstrating a willingness to take a political stand, or to demonstrate a profile of courage. The reason why comparisons to Nazi Germany is avoided is because there are very few events throughout human history that can compare to the horror and violence the Nazis inflicted throughout the world. Many of the surviving relatives of the various groups of people that were deliberately targeted for extermination by the Nazis have articulated often that they justly resent and dislike the comparison to the plight of their people to be compared to any other situation because it minimizes and marginalizes the historical reality of what the Nazis did, and the plight of their people. Ben Carson mixes up the demonized term, political correctness with his inability to recognized basic human decency and good taste, compassion, and some sensitivity. Carson demonstrates a misconception pertaining to the appeal of the Nazi Party to many Germans during the 1930s, who does he think all those people were at the Nuremberg Rally, the masses that appeared in Munich, and all those people standing on the side of the road in Austria that were tossing flowers to all those German soldiers, running up to them giving them bread and bottles of wine. If Carson wants to make a comparison, there is one to be made that I think he is either confused about or he is intentionally attempting to elude it, because it is rather stark, but I need not make that comparison, but it does pertain to ignorance and revisionist history to accommodate individual agendas. The suggestion that there is any similarities or characteristic patterns between President Obama and his administration, with the twelve years of compact terror and horror of Nazi Germanys mass murder is ignorant, it is offensive upon several avenues of of intellect and decency, and such comparisons should be reserved for the few demonstrations of humanities dark side that merits such a comparison. Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, slavery and the exploitation of Africa and its people, and the eradication of the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere are a few of the inhuman and elite acts of brutality are several of a few acts of the dark side of humanity that warrants a comparison to Hitler and Nazi Germany. Once again, the Obama comparisons reveal a shallowness, a lack of historical knowledge, and the hate and cheap attempts to discredit this presidency and his administration only makes those that advocate and perpetuate such a notion appear to be lurking amongst the depths of an elite brand of stupidity not often witnessed throughout history, but when it does rear its ugly head, intellect and decency are often times its victims.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:56:23 +0000

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