How is Mind Control Technology effecting us? How is it done? Who - TopicsExpress


How is Mind Control Technology effecting us? How is it done? Who is behind it? Wanna Know the biggest Secret the World has tried to bury? Keep on Reading: Mind Control can effect all of us, whether we are young or old. Nikola Tesla was a genius scientist who figured out the frequency of the earth and all the living things that emit frequencies. He said if one can develop a tool to tap into that frequency, all life can be controlled. He was not just giving a new theory but trying to demonstrate the mechanics of our planet. He passed away in the early twentieth century and his life was not what you and I would desire because he did not go along the games of the Criminal cabal that ran the world then and still runs today. He was the first known scientists that put forward the possibility of such a technique The Control of the Mind by taping into its frequency. These days candidates are selected from all walks of life for various reasons. 1. Governments can put individuals in the government watch list 2. The Candidates are watched ever closely around the clock. 3. The Candidates are considered threat to national security because either they know the truth or are considered Political dissidents. 4. Once the candidate is selected the Perpetrators of this technology choose a perfect time to carry the next stage( Implant them with microchips), they are done by doctors while in surgery for some health reason or in their own homes while they are alseep. Lets assume the candidate is microchipped, then what Happens? After the candidate is microchipped the agents that operate this technology from secret government bases, observe the candidate for a period of 6 months. During the observation period the victims thought pattern is observed using psychology and super computers. The entire Human brain is mapped out. During this time the victim does not notice a single thing which goes to show how silent and lethal this technology is. The victims of this technology experience a lot psychiatric trauma and they are deliberately driven to insanity. This is done so covertly that the victim himself/herself starts to believe they are going mad. The victim tries to seek help but Doctors and Psychiatrist and other community watch stalkers fuel their speculation. Doctors refuse to go after the source: Which is the microchip in picture below. The microchips come in different sizes and shapes, they are so advanced in their sophistication that it can almost do anything. It operates on many wave lengths. FM, AM, Sacalar, Microwave, Short Wave, Long Wave, 3G, 4G etc. The microchip in the human body is connected to a vast network which include mainly Cell Phone Towers, Satellites and Super computers. The microchips have GPS in them which are tracked by Satellites which can send a beam of laser to the victim and guides the oncoming waves from Cell Phone Towers. The scalar waves charge the microchip and the EEG which is brains electrical activity is picked up by the lasers and transferred to Super computers which can turn waves from the EEG into actual sound. In this way the victims mind is read and all their thoughts monitored, slowly and gradually their thoughts controlled and modified and they can never even understand what is happening to them. In the 1980s the CIA ordered 2 Billion microchips, at the time that was almost half of the worlds population. See Diagrams Below to understand # The Biggest Fraud And Cover Up in the history of human kind
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:27:17 +0000

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