How is it that in a film whose premise rests on the idea of - TopicsExpress


How is it that in a film whose premise rests on the idea of reimagining the past, present and future, we still end up with a blonde white woman with flashing blue eyes as the stand-in for what personifies evolution and supremely fulfilled human potential?... I cant accept that. I cant accept that there was only one black woman in the entire film, who delivered one line and who we never saw again. I cant accept that the bad guys were Asian and that although in China, Lucys roommate says, I mean, who speaks Chinese? I dont speak Chinese! I cant accept that in Hercules, which I also saw this weekend, there were no people of color except for Dwayne Johnson himself and his mixed-race wife, whose skin was almost alabaster. I cant accept that she got maybe two lines and was then murdered. I cant accept that the primitive tribe in Hercules consisted of dark-haired men painted heavily, blackish green, to give their skin (head-to-toe) a darker appearance, so the audience could easily differentiate between good and bad guys by the white vs. dark skin. I cant accept that during the previews, Exodus: Gods and Kings, a story about Moses leading the Israelite slaves out of Egypt, where not a single person of color is represented, casts Sigourney Weaver and Joel Edgerton to play Egyptians. I cant accept that in the preview for Kingsman: The Secret Service, which takes place in London, features a cast of white boys and not a single person of Indian descent, which make up the largest non-white ethnic group in London. I cant accept that in stories about the end of the world and the apocalypse, that somehow only white people survive. I cant accept that while my daily life is filled with black and brown women, they are completely absent, erased, when I look at a TV or movie screen
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 14:37:00 +0000

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