How is it that the white female , whether she is straight, gay, - TopicsExpress


How is it that the white female , whether she is straight, gay, rich, poor, old, young, has been integral in practicing, maintaining, and benefiting from the system of RWS. How is it that she does not come to mind when RWS is talked about victims of RWS? How is that possible? How is she able to hide in plain sight? How is this instigator and cause of some of the most racist, terroristic acts on the planet still able to remain under the radar of suspicion when it comes to how victims of RWS view her? It is because of how she is marketed to the world? White people are in charge of their image, and the image of their non white victims. They have been able to make an innocent group of people enslaved, marginalized, and subjugated to this day, out to be racists and the problem of the planet.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 19:47:06 +0000

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