How is ur hari raya haji day today? Enjoyed ur food? Yana miss yw? - TopicsExpress


How is ur hari raya haji day today? Enjoyed ur food? Yana miss yw? If yes kiss󾠣yw photo now󾬑. Kk joking. Think I gonna talk to you about the new indian Muslim staff & some horror ghost happenings!! Later zhu ren cannot sleep ahhhh! Ok la got ur cat with you sleep together dont worri Yana. Ok start off with the new staff. Her name is called Zahabiya. Next time in short I will call her Zah in the post/blogs. She is a indian but is a Muslim. And a very strictly bias one. She is from India but spend the last year working in Australia. Same she did admin work in aus. Though she holds uni accounting cert from India. Her husband is also a indian national & know her family thus she married him early. Her H a indian national then went on work in aus & hold a aus work permit & can be counted aus citizen too. If i nvr rem wrong his post is finiancial manager & is very highly paid. They rented a condo in sg. Then his job require him come to singapore for at least 5 years work here. So Zah follow her over to here. So yeah her H is rich under s pass so i know she dont have to carry anyone legs & even more so i can trust her when she talk to me. This was her first interview she told me. Ok I trust her. Though on the first day she reported late in the noon I really got doubt & thought she dont want to work here. But yeh was a misunderstanding she thought her work pass is not approve yet. I told her too at first yeh I had a little doubts on the first day she came. She came late in the noon I thought she went others interview or what. Also first week she kept yawning & was not learning attentively from me I had alot of doubts at that point of time if she is serious anot. Thats where I post at first she kept yawning & is not attentive I had alot of doubts. She later explain to me she was having fasting & had prayers thus cant concentrate well & felt sleepy. Ok I believe her & she is much better now. Since the first day she had been finding & approaching me in work. Yeah I help & guide & teach her without fail. She now improve alot alot. She is holding LS & LZ well now. Of course she will ask on many invoices too. Its not easy to do without asking especially she is still new. But recently WL commanded her not to approach me but instead go to her on invoices. She have no choice but to split the question asking abit towards WL now. I dont know...up to wl whatever she wants. I am fine with long not something bad. Ok then recently slightly harmony return. At least it inprove now after my anger at them a few times. In my prescence the couple dont seem to dare find fault with her aldy. Me & Zah always chat abit yeh as we sit beside. She say I am the only one she consult & ask & will talk to down here. Hmm she trust the rite guy aldy haha. Really I wont do any harm to her but always try my best help her. But yeah I told her other than me, she can consult Gera too. I told her Gera is one you can trust here if one day I nvr come or cannot help you. We talk about some other stuff other than work too. Yeah sometimes i talk about you Yana too & our happy times together. I actually kept ur written notes on work with me too afraid she will dump it. But yeah WL dont like it when we talk too much & she have alot of guilt will always come listen secretly to our conversation afraid we will gossip her lol (can I put the knock head emoticon?). She even once told her not to talk so much with me zzZ. Really want knock head here. Ahhh forget her nonsense. Not my problems. Ok we go on. Zah beside me always laugh bad at my silly actions & behaviours at times. Which I really dont know why sometimes I so silly until people always laugh at me but for gd reasons. Like dear Yana you always laugh & smile bad at me. You know once I told her Bruce Yin won manhunt malaysia 2010 before he came here...Zah say really ah? She really believe lol. Dont laugh lol. Yin first came here very skinny wan...thinner than me. At least I got some muscle mass & athlete type. Yin really was very skinny like bamboo when he first came. Yeh then I told her i am joking only󾌸 yin will never ever win manhunt. If yin does Malaysia man all really gone case󾔇. Zah laugh bad. Then yeah we all talk about yin always digging his backside while talking & smelling his hands straightaway she was disgusted & dont dare go near yin aldy lol! Really I not kidding yin got this behaviour like to smell his finger after digging his backside! Yana you got notice before? Ok lol dont disturb you aldy later u cannot sleep. Then we say yin also urine on the basin floor when the toilet someone else is using. I saw & smell before really. That time I was using toilet yin jus urinated on the basin floor & just spray some water only. I dont think he did it once only. I smell something strong I know straight & told yin cannot like this & also need to put some soap wash off the smell if not the other ladies saw or smell be bad. It was during ur times working here Yana. I didt tell you lol dont wan let you feel disgusted as you always smoke there. Ok the haunted part I told her I will write on next post. Anyway me & her are really like friends at work only. Nothing much. Its like me & Rita. But Rita I always joke with her make her laugh non stop. Talking about rita gera say she miss me real bad during her last few days at work. Is that true yana? I heard she cried & yeah miss me alot. I feel sorri if thats true. You were beside her during her last few weeks at work. Yeah its too bad I didt have a proper farewell with her too I was on reservist. Zah still laugh bad alot until cover her mouth with me beside but yeah she is slightly more serious & got a very strong opinions of her own but overall a friendly & reliable friend I can say. Kk next post on ghost󾆮!!!! I think Tmr or another day ok. Very late 2.30am aldy gonna sleep Tmr heavy work duty. Gd nite Yana sleep early ok. Not gd for your health sleep late often like me! Nite󾮝. Yw󾬑󾇀
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:19:10 +0000

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