How is your FD concept different from other crash diets? A: Oh, - TopicsExpress


How is your FD concept different from other crash diets? A: Oh, hold on your horses a bit. Who said CRASH diet? This is no short term solution crash diet I am trying to put out here. Sure, if you do adhere to it your body will transform rapidly, but the difference with my approach is it is a lifestyle, not a project. It means you will LEARN it, USE it and STICK to it. Since the diet is not a constant deprivation, you will be able to stick to it, which is key in the pursuit to stay lean year round. I´m scared of the refeeds! Are you sure they won´t make me fat? A: The key here again is mark my words; refeed is not a cheat day with fast food. It´s a glycogen replenishment day, which means you will have a lot of starches, grains, carbs in general. These will restore your muscles energy storage so you get a metabolic boost. This helps you keep the intensity in the gym, it jacks up the good muscle building and fat burning hormones, AND it makes you happy to eat carbs. The key is to KNOW what to eat and what to stay away from and you won´t sabotage your progress! Does the FD diet work as a contest prep diet? I am doing a figure show and looking for a good diet to get me started on the right track. A: It sure is. When I competed I ate the same stuff as I do nowadays. You can see in my Every day Pauline section my diet keeps me lean consistently. I have photos of me after refeeds of 7000 calories and you can see there is no fat gain to be noticed. The toughest part of contest dieting is you get darn hungry and you cannot control your portions. What comes in handy at that time is the FD diet: why? Since you will make sure you stay full on a daily basis. You won´t crave as much sweets if you are physically full and content. Q: If I want to gain a lot of muscle, should I use your FD concept? A: well, the FD concept works best for leaning out and staying lean in a healthy way. it´s a diet plentiful of antioxidants, lean proteins, legumes and EFAs. When you want to add a lot of muscle, you need to eat more calories in general and one way of doing that is to reduce fiber rich foods and replace for denser calorie foods since the majority of foods on Fighter Diet makes you very full. So, in that case you want to increase the refeed day frequency and incorporate nutrient timing in order to stay as lean as possible in the process. I mean, who wants to look bulky when building? Not me! Q: Pauline, you were born lean and muscular, so no wonders this concept works for YOU...However, I am a bit on the chubby side and I am not convinced it will work for me... A: LOL, I was born this way? No way!!! You should check out my family tree: all of them are sturdy and NOT lean like bodybuilding lean! OK, they don´t work out either, but let´s just face it, my body is a result of extreme discipline, determination and consistency. If you have that and want it enough, you can change your body way more than you think is possible. You just need to stay focused... CHANGE YOUR BODY WITH MY PROGRAMS! ARE YOU A COMPLETE FITNESS TODDLER? Check out the latest beginners guide for men! For us women, you go with Beginners guide to FD! fighterdiet/athlete/store/men-s-corner/beginners-guide-for-men
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:57:17 +0000

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